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기관 주한영국문화원(서울) 
프로그램 주한영국문화원(서울) Global marking support assistant 채용(~3.2) 
마감날짜 2023-03-02 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Global marking support assistant

Date: 16-Feb-2023

Location: Seoul, East Asia, KR

Company: British Council

The British Council builds connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language. We work in two ways – directly with individuals to transform their lives, and with governments and partners to make a bigger difference for the longer term, creating benefit for millions of people all over the world. We help young people to gain the skills, confidence and connections they are looking for to realise their potential and to participate in strong and inclusive communities. We support them to learn English, to get a high-quality education and to gain internationally recognised qualifications. Our work in arts and culture stimulates creative expression and exchange and nurtures creative enterprise. We connect the best of the UK with the world and the best of the world with the UK. These connections lead to an understanding of each other's strengths and of the challenges and values that we share. This builds trust between people in the UK and other nations which endures even when official relations may be strained. We work on the ground in more than 100 countries. In 2019-20 we connected with 80 million people directly and with 791 million overall, including online and through our broadcasts and publications.


Location :  Korea, Seoul, Applications are welcomed from candidates currently in this location with a natural right to work.  Applications are also welcomed from candidates currently based in other East Asia British Council country offices.


Contract Type : Fixed term 12months (renewable)

Pay Band : H/4


Role Purpose

The role purpose of Global Making Support Assistant in the British Council Korea is to support on monitoring and oversight of examiner performance for all Global Hub IELTS examiners across multiple products including Speaking and Writing. Additionally, support general examiner management, as required. Work closely with Global Marking Support Managers providing support to the Examiner Hubs in ensuring that the Hubs operate effectively and consistently. The post holder will ensure that all processes are carried out to a high standard in accordance with all appropriate internal policies and external regulations and can withstand scrutiny.


Main accountabilities but not limited to the following:
Service delivery

•    Implements a range of standardised, operational procedures and systems to plan work or schedule based on management direction to ensure milestones are met 
•    Receives instructions and requests from Hub Managers, Examiner Standards Managers, Global Marking Support Manager and Examiners, and plans and organises given resources accordingly

     (often at short notice) to ensure that work is carried out efficiently and effectively
•    Provides timely feedback on operational issues and events to more senior managers, enabling the adaptation of work plans where necessary and supporting continuous improvement in the

     efficiency/cost-effectiveness/quality of service delivery/systems in the unit or department
•    Uses a range of standardised systems and processes to plan and coordinate effective, timely and cost-effective logistical support to enable the delivery of high-quality services to a range of

•    Liaises and works in or with the operational team, where or when the need arises to ensure the effective and smooth delivery of results


Customer service
•    Takes end-to-end accountability for researching and obtaining satisfactory and timely resolution of queries from Examiners, coordinating input from other colleagues in the Global Exams Delivery

     Operations (GEDO).  Ensures the customer is kept informed throughout the process
•    Focuses on delivering excellent customer service throughout all tasks, projects and processes


Relationship & stakeholder management
•    Develops good working relationships with appropriate colleagues throughout the BC to facilitate effective and efficient service delivery
•    As required, supports senior colleagues in the GEDO ensuring operations run efficiently and effectively and that a positive, professional image of the BC is projected


Risk & compliance    
•    Adheres to regulatory and internal procedures and obligations 
•    Uses standardised processes to monitor teams compliance with agreed quality procedures, ensuring adherence with regulatory and internal compliance requirements. Highlights to senior 

     managers any instances of non-compliance


Analysis & reporting
•    Uses standard procedures and templates, updates and regularly reports on key management information to the Global Marking Support Manager
•    Ensures that all data and databases are up-to-date and accurate to support senior managers in making timely and effective business decisions that respond to operational needs


Commercial & resource management
•    Operates and runs regular reports to enable effective resource management for the team
•    Actively seeks to maximise value for money when scheduling resources


Leadership & management
•    Plans and prioritises own work activities, which span across the GEDO, responding to changing and at times competing requirements to ensure effective delivery of responsibilities over a

     weekly/monthly time horizon
•    Likely to support the management of day-to-day performance of Examiners escalating incidents as appropriate
•    Plan tasks and coordinate with Examiners to complete activities in accordance with agreed marking deadlines

Role Specific Skills, Knowledge and Experiences:
Demonstrable experience, in large complex international organisation of: 
▪    Demonstrable experience of working as part of a dispersed team to deliver a service
▪    Demonstrable experience in stake-holder management and managing communications effectively
▪    Demonstrable experience of working to tight, and immovable deadlines and delivering results in a pressured environment
▪    Proven record of having excellent organisation skills
▪    Able to simultaneously manage tasks for multiple processes
▪    Ability to adapt quickly to different IT systems
▪    Be proficient with Microsoft Office, especially Excel and Outlook
▪    Have great interpersonal and communication skills to conduct effective working relationships with the key stakeholders
▪    A motivated team player with their own initiative


Person Specification
▪    Degree holder
▪    English C1 (IELTS 7 or equivalent)


Further Information
The role requires frequent contact and teleconferences with colleagues from across the world, including occasional antisocial hours. A minimum of 3 hours overlap with UK working hours is required.

Closing Date for Application – 2nd March 2023, 23:59 Korea Time (GMT+09)



A connected and trusted UK in a more connected and trusted world.


Equality , Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Statement


The British Council is committed to policies and practices of equality, diversity and inclusion across everything we do. We support all staff to make sure their behaviour is consistent with this commitment.  We want to address under representation and encourage applicants from under-represented groups, in particular, but not exclusively, on grounds of ethnicity and disability.  All disabled applicants who meet the essential criteria are guaranteed an interview and we have Disability Confident Employer Status. We welcome discussions about specific requirements or adjustments to enable participation and engagement in our work and activities.


The British Council is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults who we work with.


We believe that all children and adults everywhere in the world deserve to live in safe environments and have the right to be protected from all forms of abuse, maltreatment and exploitation as set out in article 19, UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) 1989.


Appointment to positions where there is direct involvement with vulnerable groups will be dependent on thorough checks being completed; these will include qualification checks, reference checks, identity & criminal record checks in line with legal requirements and with the British Council’s Safeguarding policies for Adults and Children.


If you have any problems with your application please email


Please note: Applications to this role can only be considered when made through the Apply section of our careers website. Our ‘ASK HR’ email is only to be used in case of a technical issue encountered when applying through the careers website. Emails with supporting statements and CV/Resumes sent to this email address will not be reviewed and will be deleted.








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