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기관 GGGI(서울) (초급) JPO 
마감날짜 2023-06-22 
채용/마감 알림 마감 





The Climate Action and Inclusive Development (CAID) under the Investment and Policy Solutions Division is a global unit in GGGI situated in GGGI’s Seoul headquarters and its offices in Hungary and Luxembourg. The unit supports Members and Partners in the development of enabling environment policy for green growth transformations and inclusive climate action. Evidence-based analysis and broad stakeholder engagements at the heart of national, subnational and sector level policies is key to ambitious target-setting, robust low-carbon and resilient development pathways, and socially inclusive outcomes. The Unit is the custodian of the GGGI Gender Strategy 2021-2025, The Gender Action Plan 2023-2024, and the GGGI Rules on Sustainability and Safeguards, and holds the responsibility to ensure the implementation of these strategies across GGGI’s global program portfolio.

The Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Program is to provide early career professionals interested in pursuing an international career in green growth development with an opportunity to acquire hands-on international work experience at GGGI and to develop a talent pipeline for GGGI.

The position will support GGGI’s achievement of its gender and social inclusion targets. The position will work across division to provide technical services across GGGI’s global program portfolio in the areas gender and social inclusion supporting resource mobilization and project design, providing technical advisory services to GGGI Member States and partner countries in related areas, and support to tools and guideline development, capacity building, knowledge generation and dissemination, and communications.

The position will also support the implementation of GGGI Environmental and Social Safeguards mechanism and help ensure compliance. 




The Junior Professional Officer (JPO) will support GGGI in its mission to help Member States and partner countries understand how to maximize the socio-economic benefits of climate action and green growth transitions, while avoiding, mitigating, and minimizing negative impacts. The JPO will do this by supporting analysis, research, and reporting linked with gender equality, social inclusion, poverty eradication, and intersectionality. The JPO will support the work on elevating the understanding of the interrelations between multiple sustainability crises and the generation of effective and cost-efficient solutions for GGGI Member States by drawing on science-based analysis and international best practices. In addition the JPO will also support resource mobilization efforts, work to build strategic partnerships, and generate knowledge products and tools for project design and implementation.




  • Engage colleagues across GGGI’s divisions and units to understand demand for related services and develop effective methodologies and tools to maximize socially inclusive and gender responsive outcomes in green growth and climate action planning and implementation
  • Engage internally within the Community of Practice environment and contribute to knowledge exchange and capacity transfer across the organization
  • Provide guidance to program teams on gender and social inclusion and environmental and social safeguard requirements.
  • Help GGGI Member States understand the interconnectedness of multiple sustainability crises and develop effective and cost-efficient solutions by drawing on science-based analysis and international best practices.




  • Conduct research and analysis, and draw conclusions across several GGGI projects that are embedded with governments in GGGI Member States and partner countries
  • Support the development of tools and models, prepare and present results to internal and external stakeholders
  • Support gender analysis and assessments and integrate findings into technical reports and policy documents
  • Based on project experience propose, develop and support publications and knowledge dissemination including through the organizing of internal and external knowledge events, drafting knowledge products, and compiling technical and policy reports.
  • Advocate gender and social inclusion in green growth through evidence based insights gained from country activities, and findings from knowledge sharing, South-South cooperation, and country-level capacity building activities;
  • Provide support to proposal development within the Climate Action and Inclusive Development (CAID) Unit and upon request from other collaborating units.






  • A master’s degree in a relevant area in sustainable development, social sciences, life sciences, public policy, and other relevant disciplines.
  • Two years post-graduate work experience in relevant areas. The experience can include internships, volunteering, and unpaid assignments. The experience can be gained within a candidate’s country or outside.
  • Demonstrates commitment and passion to green growth through their academic studies and paid/unpaid work experience.
  • Excellent written and spoken English. The ability to speak a second language pertaining to GGGI’s member countries would be a plus.
  • Must be a national of GGGI member countries [list of member countries]




  • Demonstrates good communication and organizational skills and evidence of teamworking.
  • Excellent MS Office application skills required and experience of using databases a definite advantage.
  • The ability to undertake research and analyze data and experience of report writing.
  • Experience of living and/or working in multi-cultural contexts would be an advantage.
  • Good understanding of climate change and the interlinkages between climate, gender, poverty, human rights, inequalities and justice, and good understanding of ways to design and implement approaches to enhance achievements of gender equality and poverty alleviation through climate action.
  • Good understanding of one or more climate related sectors, and work with governments at national and subnational levels would be a plus.




  • Understand and actively supports GGGI's mission, vision, and values
  • Promote the optimum use of public resources
  • Promote an organizational culture of trust, transparency, respect, and partnership
  • Process and share information easily
  • Manage emotions and stress positively, builds rapport, and resolves conflict easily
  • Promote creativity and innovation among staff
  • Provide solutions to project level 


Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Republic of Korea, HQ
Contract Type
Salary scale
JPO scale
Contract Duration
1 + 1 years (subject to performance)
Deadline (23:59 KST)
Job Reference









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