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기관 GCF(인천) Board Affairs Officer 채용(~10..13) 
프로그램 GCF(인천) Board Affairs Officer 채용(~10..13) 
마감날짜 2023-10-13 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Board Affairs Officer

Date: Sep 19, 2023

Location: Incheon, South Korea (ICN), KR

Company: Green Climate Fund

Grade: IS-2
Deadline: 13 October 2023 (11:59 PM KST)
Job Category: International
Salary: USD 91,970 net (plus attractive benefits, that include the following allowances (as applicable): Relocation, dependency, housing, education assistance and home country travel.


The mission of the Green Climate Fund is to assist developing countries to respond to climate change while bringing prosperity to their people.

Established in 2010, the GCF invests in transformational climate projects in the developing world. The Fund makes an ambitious contribution to global climate action and channels significant financial resources into developing countries to help build low-emission and climate-resilient societies. It is country-driven and undertakes actions that reflect the circumstances of each country concerned and its national aspirations. The GCF is a key enabler of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Since its establishment, the GCF has approved 216 projects in 129 countries and has committed USD 12.0 billion in climate finance. In addition, it has built up an extensive program to support developing countries to identify their needs, in particular, those who are most vulnerable to climate change impacts.

The GCF’s diverse workforce is advancing its mission from its headquarters in South Korea. Our talented staff makes unique contributions to the Fund, enriching the institution through their combined expertise and professional commitment.

Position Objective
This position is primarily responsible for advancing work under the Board Affairs pillar of the Office of Governance Affairs, including on developing policy concepts and drafts of policy documentation on governance related matters; assisting the Board Co-Chairs, Board members and their advisors, and Board appointed Committees under the guidance of the Board Affairs Manager and Secretary to the Board; and supporting the organization of Board meetings in accordance with established procedures. 



  • Develops policy concepts and drafts of policy documentation on governance related matters;
  • Engages in Board consultations of policy documentation, examining the outcomes and identifying next steps towards policy finalization in collaboration with respective teams;
  • Provides secretariat services to the Climate Policy Committee, in collaboration with OGA colleagues as required;
  • Analyses options to address Board related matters in an efficient and effective manner;  
  • Develops documents and analytical material in support of the Board Co-Chairs;
  • Support the drafting of provisional agenda and annotation for Board meetings in consultations with the Co-Chairs and Senior Management Team.
  • Supports the development and preparation of the draft Board Work Plan for the policy cycle, and updates it each year, taking into consideration the relevant mandates from the Board, in coordination and collaboration with relevant divisions of the Secretariat



  • Assists the Board Co-Chairs in the discharge of their functions under the guidance of the Secretary to the Board and the Board Affairs Manager;
  • Liaise with focal points of committees and groups to ensure appropriate monitoring on the implementation of mandates as required;
  • Enables cross-divisional coordination in preparing and presenting Secretariat work in the lead up and during meetings of the Board.


  • Performs planning and organization activities for the hosting of in-person and virtual Board meetings, including informal and preparatory events;
  • Manages Board membership arrangements, including transitions in the term of Board membership;
  • Processes information to address requests from Board members and their advisers;
  • Organizes and documents OGA’s processes related to Board meetings preparations, decision-making support, and other governance procedures;
  • Delivers and maintains tools to assist the effective decision-making of the Board, including the management and update of the Board’s portal in collaboration with ICT.


Requirements (Education, experience, technical competencies required of the job)

  • Advanced university degree in law, international relations, diplomacy, environmental policy, economics, finance, sustainable development, climate policy or related fields; or a relevant Bachelors’ degree with 2 additional years of experience;
  • At least four (4) years of relevant work experience, including experience in UNFCCC processes and involvement in multilateral decision-making processes at the highest levels of an organization; familiarity with multilateral climate funds operations;
  • Ability to work under pressure, under strict timelines, demonstrating complex problem solving with independent judgment and decision-making;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are essential for this position. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English are essential for this position.

The closing date for application is 13 October 2023. Applications submitted after the deadline may not be considered.


*The person assessed by the Selection Panel as most suitable for the position will be proposed for appointment. Selection among short-listed candidates will also take into account performance at interview, appropriate testing, and references. 


Applications from women and nationals of developing countries are strongly encouraged.







번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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