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기관 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) 
프로그램 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Project Administrator (Science Unit) 채용(채용시 마감) 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Project Administrator (Science Unit) [based in Seoul]

We are seeking a Project Administrator for a 2-year regular position (renewable) to work within the Science unit at the International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, Korea. (Duty station: Seoul, Korea)


Job Description


This job is responsible for providing administrative and logistics support to Project Team to ensure efficient project implementation.



Key Roles & Responsibilities


   1. Grant administration
  • Provide budget justification for grant proposal, while preparing financial reports in compliance with policies and guidelines.
  • Provide support in preparing legal documentation (eg, MOU, service agreement, contract etc) utilizing standard templates. Support internal approval of legal documentation.
  • Provide support in managing sub-awards, sub-grants, collaboration and other vendors
  • Communicate with Finance for grant initiation and closing
  • Coordinate any IRB approvals required for projects.


   2. Project/budget administration
  • Maintain approved and updated project budgets to facilitate ongoing financial analysis.
  • Prepare financial reports in accordance with IVI and/or sponsor templates and guidelines.
  • Support preparation of budget and expenditure projections
  • Provide support in planning, monitoring and validating resource (FTE & external) utilization.
  • Monitor and validate individual project cost expenditures, analyze financial status, and advise project team members on funding execution
    3. Logistics and administration
  • Provide logistics support in procurement for the project and functions.
  • Provide logistic/administrative support in arranging meetings, conferences, workshops etc.
  • Coordinate and support disbursement of project funds
  • Manage project archiving system
  • Arrange and provide secretarial support stakeholders’ meetings, committees, and other corporate meetings.



Job Requirements and Qualifications


   1. Education Requirements
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
   2. Related Field Work Experience
  • 0-1 year
   3. Technical and Professional Skills / Knowledge
  • Knowledge in accounting and finance
  • Knowledge of general administrative procedures and guidelines
  • Proficiency in MS Office and web-based applications
  • Knowledge in project management
   4. Language Proficiency
  • Fluency in English
Apply for job







번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
공지 2024.09.06 [프리미엄] ★UNHCR(서울) (한국인) Administrati ....... 2024-09-19  채용중 
공지 2024.09.05 [프리미엄] ★IFRC(국제적십자위원회)(요르단) ( ....... 2024-09-13  채용중 
공지 2024.09.04 [프리미엄] ★★World Bank (초급) Young Profe ....... 2024-09-30  채용중 
공지 2024.09.05 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace East Asia(서울) (한국 .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.09.04 [프리미엄] ★★GCF(인천) (한국인) Policy Resea ....... 2024-09-20  채용중 
공지 2024.09.04 [프리미엄] ★Amnesty International(국제앰네 .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.09.06 [프리미엄] ★굿네이버스(서울) 글로벌 임팩트 Glob ....... file 2024-09-18  채용중 
공지 2024.09.03 [프리미엄] ★★한국인 국내외 국제기구 채용정보(9 .......   채용중 
공지 2024.08.31 [프리미엄] ★UNPOG(유엔거버넌스센터)(인천) 연구 ....... file 2024-09-11  채용중 
공지 2024.08.31 [프리미엄] ★UNICEF한국위원회(서울) 사무총장 비 .......   채용중 
공지 2024.08.30 [프리미엄] ★★World Bank본부(미국 워싱턴 D.C) ....... file 2024-11-04  채용중 
공지 2024.09.02 [프리미엄] ★InfluenceMap(기후변화 싱크탱크)( ....... 2024-09-16  채용중 
공지 2024.08.30 [프리미엄] ★UNHCR(서울) (한국인) PSP IG Assis ....... 2024-09-09  채용중 
공지 2024.08.29 [프리미엄] ★IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Global .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.08.26 [프리미엄] ★GGGI(서울) Monitoring, Evaluatio ....... 2024-09-15  채용중 
공지 2024.08.23 [프리미엄] ★UNESCO IHP 한국위원회(서울) 국제 ....... file   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.08.17 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace(서울) (한국인) Fundrai .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.08.17 [프리미엄] ★UNDP(인도네시아) (한국인) Gender ....... 2024-09-08  채용중 
공지 2024.08.09 [프리미엄] ★★UN YPP Exam (초급) Human Reso ....... 2024-10-01  채용중 
공지 2024.08.09 [프리미엄] ★★UN YPP Exam (초급) Political ....... 2024-10-01  채용중 
공지 2024.08.09 [프리미엄] ★★UN YPPExam (초급) Finance &am ....... 2024-10-01  채용중 
공지 2024.06.19 [프리미엄] ★IMF(국제통화기금) Research Analy ....... 2024-12-30  채용중 
1688 2024.06.17 FAO(로마) Animal Production and Health Officer (One Health and Livestock Production), P-4 채용(~7.2) 2024-07-02  마감 
1687 2024.06.15 GGGI(서울) Lead, Green Buildings and Industry, Community of Practice 채용(~7.2) 2024-07-02  마감 
1686 2024.06.15 ADB(아시아개발은행) Assistant Treasurer 채용(~6.27) 2024-06-27  마감 
1685 2024.06.15 IMF(국제통화기금) Financial Sector Expert 채용(~6.26) 2024-06-26  마감 
1684 2024.06.14 EBRD(유럽개발은행)(런던) Associate, IT Finance 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
1683 2024.06.14 GCF(인천)(인턴) Office of Sustainability and Inclusion​ Intern 채용(~6.26) 2024-06-26  마감 
1682 2024.06.14 UN OHCHR(기니아) SECURITY COORDINATION OFFICER, P-3 채용(~6.27) 2024-06-27  마감 
1681 2024.06.13 UNIDO 한국투자진흥사무소(서울) 직원 채용(~7.14) 2024-07-14  마감 
1680 2024.06.13 GCF(인천) Accounting Manager(회계) 채용(~6.28) 2024-06-28  마감 
1679 2024.06.13 ICRC(국제적십자위원회) 한국사무소(서울) 커뮤니케이션 인턴 채용(~6.18) 2024-06-18  마감 
1678 2024.06.12 ADB(아시아개발은행) Investment Specialist(투자 전문가) 채용(~6.26) 2024-06-26  마감 
1677 2024.06.12 UNDP(서울) (인턴) Intern - Development Cooperation Team(개발협력) 채용(~6.23) 2024-06-23  마감 
1676 2024.06.12 주EU대사관/주NATO대표부(벨기에) 일반직 행정직원 채용(~6.20) file 2024-06-20  마감 
1675 2024.06.11 GCF(인천) Process Improvement Specialist 채용(~6.26) 2024-06-26  마감 
1674 2024.06.11 UNDP(서울) (인턴) Intern - Communications and Advocacy(커뮤니케이션) 채용(~6.23) 2024-06-23  마감 
1673 2024.06.10 ICLEI EAS 동아시아본부(서울) Operations Officer(운영담당관) 채용(~7.10) file 2024-07-10  마감 
1672 2024.06.10 UNDP(서울) (인턴) Intern - Governance and Gender (Anti-corruption & Gender-based violence) 채용(~6.23) 2024-06-23  마감 
1671 2024.06.08 UNDP(서울) (인턴) Intern - Administration(행정) 채용(~6.23) 2024-06-23  마감 
1670 2024.06.08 2024년도 UNV 전문봉사단(12기) 채용(~6.30) file 2024-06-30  마감 
1669 2024.06.08 2024년도 UNV 청년봉사단(13기) 채용(~6.30) file 2024-06-30  마감 
1668 2024.06.07 IFAD(로마) Finance Officer (Development Finance), P-3 채용(~6.16) 2024-06-16  마감 
1667 2024.06.07 GCF(인천) Strategy & Policy Officer 채용(~6.23) 2024-06-23  마감 
1666 2024.06.07 IFAD(로마) (초급) Finance Analyst (Credit Union), P-2 채용(~6.17) 2024-06-17  마감 
1665 2024.06.06 [국내][인턴십] 이클레이 동아시아본부(ICLEI EAS)(서울) 2024년 하반기 KOICA ODA 영프로페셔널(YP) 채용(~7.7) 2024-07-07  마감 
1664 2024.06.06 UNHCR 한국대표부(서울) 민간파트너십팀 고액기부자 파트너십 담당자 채용(~6.17) 2024-06-17  마감 
1663 2024.06.06 IFAD(로마) Finance Specialist (Environmental Finance) P-3 채용(~6.15) 2024-06-15  마감 
1662 2024.06.05 UNICEF한국위원회(서울) 웹 서비스 기획 및 운영 담당 정규직 채용(~6.12) 2024-06-12  마감 
1661 2024.06.05 유엔협회세계연맹 서울사무국 KOICA ODA 영프로페셔널(YP) 하반기 인턴 모집(~6.21) 2024-06-21  마감 
1660 2024.06.05 아셈중소기업친환경혁신센터(서울) 2024년 하반기 YP 2명 채용(~6.30) file 2024-06-30  마감 
1659 2024.06.04 AfDB(아프리카개발은행) Division Manager, Capital Market Development 채용(~6.23) 2024-06-23  마감