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기관 GCF(인천)(인턴) 
프로그램 GCF(인천)(인턴) Office of Sustainability and Inclusion​ Intern 채용(~6.26) 
마감날짜 2024-06-26 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


​​Office of Sustainability and Inclusion​ Intern

Date: Jun 13, 2024

Location: Incheon, South Korea (ICN), KR

Company: Green Climate Fund

Duration: 6 months 

Starting date: August/September 2024 

Location: Songdo, Incheon City, Republic of Korea 

Remuneration: US$ 1300 


The mission of the Green Climate Fund is to assist developing countries to respond to climate change while bringing prosperity to their people.

Established in 2010, the GCF invests in transformational climate projects in the developing world. The Fund makes an ambitious contribution to global climate action and channels significant financial resources into developing countries to help build low-emission and climate-resilient societies. It is country-driven and undertakes actions that reflect the circumstances of each country concerned and its national aspirations. The GCF is a key enabler of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Since its establishment, the GCF has approved 216 projects in 129 countries and has committed USD 12.0 billion in climate finance. In addition, it has built up an extensive program to support developing countries to identify their needs, in particular, those who are most vulnerable to climate change impacts.

The GCF’s diverse workforce is advancing its mission from its headquarters in South Korea. Our talented staff makes unique contributions to the Fund, enriching the institution through their combined expertise and professional commitment.

Internship Assignment  


The Intern will provide operational support to the ​Office of Sustainability and Inclusion (OSI)​. S/he will have the opportunity to learn and expand her/his experiences by providing assistance on environmental and social safeguards (ESS), indigenous peoples (IP) issues, matters related to risk of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH); and gender issues. 


Under the overall guidance of the designated primary and alternate supervisors (the Head of Office and Specialists within the team), the Intern is expected to: 


  1. Support the Office in relation to communications products and outreach; 

  1. Support with the implementation of the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG) workplan and meetings; 

  1. Support the consolidation of databases of project-level information on ESS (including SEAH), IPs, and gender;  

  1. Undertake targeted research and reviews to support the ESS (including SEAH), IPs and gender due diligence of proposed projects and monitoring of approved projects by the GCF Secretariat; 

  1. Provide technical support to activities related to ESS (including SEAH), IPs and gender, including support on policy implementation and capacity building; 

  1. Provide any other technical and administrative support as may be required by the Unit. 


Requirements and qualifications 


  1. Enrolled in Master’s program ​related to environmental or social sciences, management or policy, environmental and social management systems, gender studies, safeguards and impacts assessments​ or related fields;  

  1. Knowledge and experience with ​environmental and social management systems, environmental and social impacts assessment, indigenous peoples, gender and climate change, safeguards, knowledge management, and other related fields;​ 

  1. Good understanding and experience in operations of intentional organization is an added advantage; 

  1. Proficiency in using standard software programs: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access; 

  1. Excellent writing and communication skills; 

  1. Fluency in English is essential; knowledge of another United Nations language is an advantage. 

*The person assessed by the Selection Panel as most suitable for the position will be proposed for appointment. The above criteria should be seen as indicators of the experience and skills that would qualify candidates for consideration. Selection among short-listed candidates will also take into account performance at interview, appropriate testing, and references.  


Applications from women and nationals from developing countries are strongly encouraged to apply. 






번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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공지 2024.10.08 [프리미엄] ★★ICRC(국제적십자위원회)(서울) ( ....... 2024-10-13  채용중 
공지 2024.10.10 [프리미엄] ★GCF(인천) (한국인) Web Developer ....... 2024-10-22  채용중 
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공지 2024.10.08 [프리미엄] ★★IOM(국제이주기구)(서울) (한국인) ....... 2024-10-16  채용중 
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공지 2024.10.03 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금)(서울) (한국인) Fi ....... 2024-10-31  채용중 
공지 2024.10.04 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금)(서울) (한국인) Fu ....... 2024-10-31  채용중 
공지 2024.10.07 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금)(서울) (한국인) Co ....... 2024-10-31  채용중 
공지 2024.10.02 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금)(서울) (한국인) Po ....... 2024-10-31  채용중 
공지 2024.09.27 [프리미엄] ★MSF(국경없는의사회)(서울) (한국인) ....... 2024-10-14  채용중 
공지 2024.09.25 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace East Asia(서울) 유산&a .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.09.20 주GENEVA대표부 일반직 행정직원 채용(~10.5) file 2024-10-05  마감 
공지 2024.09.18 [프리미엄] ★FiscalNote(서울) (한국인) Analyst .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.09.14 [프리미엄] ★IMF(국제통화기금) Experienced Ec ....... 2024-10-14  채용중 
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공지 2024.06.19 [프리미엄] ★IMF(국제통화기금) Research Analy ....... 2024-12-30  채용중 
1763 2024.07.16 World Bank(미국 와싱턴 DC) (한국인) 중견전문가(MC) 인사국(People and Culture) HR 비즈니스 파트너(Business Partner) 전문가 채용(~8.21) 2024-08-21  마감 
1762 2024.07.15 GCF(인천) Data and Knowledge Management Specialist 채용(~8.4) 2024-08-04  마감 
1761 2024.07.15 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Budget Associate / Officer(예산담당) 채용(~7.29) 2024-07-29  마감 
1760 2024.07.15 GCF(인천) Board Affairs Officer, IS-2 채용(~7.23) 2024-07-23  마감 
1759 2024.07.13 Greenpeace East Asia(서울) (한국인) Digital Content Campaigner(디지털 인게이지먼트 & 마케팅) 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
1758 2024.07.13 WMO(제네바) (한국인) (초급) JPO - Associate Human Resources Officer(인사) 채용(~8.9) 2024-08-09  마감 
1757 2024.07.13 UNHCR(방콕) (한국인) (초급) JPO - Associate External Relations Officer(대외관계) 채용(~8.9) 2024-08-09  마감 
1756 2024.07.12 UNGC(유엔글로벌콤팩트) 한국협회(서울) 경력직 연구원 채용(~8.4) 2024-08-04  마감 
1755 2024.07.12 GCF(인천) Evaluation Uptake Specialist 채용(~7.23) 2024-07-23  마감 
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1753 2024.07.11 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Head of Human Resources(인사) 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
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1750 2024.07.10 GCF(인천) Board Affairs Senior Specialist 채용(~7.30) 2024-07-30  마감 
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1747 2024.07.09 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Analyst - CEIU (Complaints-resolution, Evaluation and Integrity Unit) 채용(~7.22) 2024-07-22  마감 
1746 2024.07.09 OPCW(화학무기금지기구) Safety Officer, P-3 채용(~7.19) 2024-07-19  마감 
1745 2024.07.08 GCF(인천) Policy and Evaluation Officer 채용(~7.23) 2024-07-23  마감 
1744 2024.07.08 IMF(국제통화기금) Economist(경제) 채용(~7.16) 2024-07-16  마감 
1743 2024.07.08 CITYNET(시티넷) 사무국(서울) (한국인) 사무차장(Assistant Secretary General) 채용(~8.4) file 2024-08-04  마감 
1742 2024.07.06 GCF(인천) Legal Counsel(법무) 채용(~7.16) 2024-07-16  마감 
1741 2024.07.06 IFAD(로마) (한국인) (초급) JPO - Human Resources Analyst (Donor relations, outreach, and recruitment), P-2 채용(~8.9) 2024-08-09  마감 
1740 2024.07.06 IOM(카메룬) (한국인) (초급) JPO - Human Development Peace Nexus Specialist, P-2 채용(~8.7) file 2024-08-07  마감 
1739 2024.07.05 이클레이 동아시아본부(사울) Young Professional 채용(~7.7) 2024-07-07  마감 
1738 2024.07.05 ICC(국제형사재판소(헤이그) (한국인) (초급) JPO, Associate Investigator, P-2 채용(~8.9) 2024-08-09  마감 
1737 2024.07.05 WHO(제네바) (한국인) (초급) JPO - External Relations Officer, P-2 채용(~8.9) 2024-08-09  마감 
1736 2024.07.05 UNFPA(뉴욕) (한국인) (초급) JPO - Human Resources Analyst, P-2 채용(~8.9) 2024-08-09  마감 
1735 2024.07.05 UNDP(암만) (한국인) (초급) JPO - Programme Analyst ( Governance and Human Rights), P-2 채용(~8.9) 2024-08-09  마감 
1734 2024.07.04 UNICEF(뉴욕) (한국인) (초급) JPO, Humanitarian Partnership and Financing Officer, P-2 채용(~8.9) 2024-08-09  마감