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기관 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) 
프로그램 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Economist (Project Economics) 채용(~8.14) 
마감날짜 2024-08-14 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Economist (Project Economics)

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank whose mission is financing the Infrastructure for Tomorrow—infrastructure with sustainability at its core. We began operations in Beijing in January 2016 and have since grown to 109 approved members worldwide. We are capitalized up to USD100 billion and rated AAA by the major international credit rating agencies. Working with partners, AIIB meets clients’ needs by unlocking new capital and investing in infrastructure that is green, technology-enabled and promotes regional connectivity.

The Economics Department is responsible for providing thought leadership within AIIB and ensuring the economic sustainability of projects financed by AIIB. These include preparing the Asian Infrastructure Finance, one of AIIB's annual flagship publications; reviewing projects to ascertain economic viability; undertaking economic analysis of selected projects; monitoring macroeconomic developments; conducting applied research; and analyzing country and sector infrastructure needs.

The Economics department is looking to hire an economist in the Project Economics pillar to provide analytical support to our operational teams and to our members. The Economist will be responsible for managing various aspects of the AIIB’s projects related workstream within the Economics Department, including reviewing projects, conducting economic analysis, contributing to research, and participating in selected projects. The position requires a unique combination of academic, operational and strategic knowledge, and a strong desire to contribute to equitable and sustainable development for all.

The Economist's key responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Coordinate/lead the departmental review of investment projects and provide substantive advice and comments on the economic rationale and quality of economic analysis.
  • Conduct economic analysis of selected projects involving but not limited to (a) cost-benefit analysis, (b) project impact assessment, (c) macroeconomic and developmental profile including debt sustainability analysis.
  • Contribute to designing and appraisal of policy-based loans and results-based loans by focusing on economic and sectoral analysis. Participate in dialogue with government officials and other stakeholders on policy reforms.
  • Contribute insightful articles, data analyses and policy recommendations to enhance the quality of AIIB's flagship annual publication Asian Infrastructure Finance, thematic reports, working papers and blogs.
  • Undertake collaborative research, distribution, networking, and capacity building activities with knowledge institutions across the world.
  • Collaborate with colleagues or subject matter experts in other departments to design projects and identify selected projects where the Economics Department can better bring out the developmental impact.
  • Assist in the organization of seminars, workshops and roundtables to build up staff capacity and outreach of AIIB studies.
  • Work closely with the Chief Economist and Manager on other assigned tasks important to the Economics Department.


  • An applied economist with postgraduate degrees in economics (PhD is preferred), and minimum 5 to 8 years of relevant experience in international organizations, investment banks, think tanks or financial institutions.
  • Strong knowledge and experience in designing and evaluating infrastructure projects, especially policy-based loans and results-based loans will be an advantage.
  • Excellent econometric analysis and theoretical modelling skills are required. Proficiency in common statistical software, modelling software, and data visualization, such as Stata, Python, R, MATLAB, is required.
  • Proficiency in oral and written English and solid communication skills.
  • High sense of integrity, ethics and accountability.
  • Proven track record to work independently and in a team setting, and to adapt and work under tight deadlines and in a multicultural environment.

AIIB is committed to diversity, transparency, and inclusion. We believe our strength comes from having a team with the right diverse skills, experiences and abilities selected through a merit-based competitive process. We actively encourage applications from people from both within and outside AIIB members, regardless of nationality, religion, gender, race, disability, or sexual orientation.

Join in AIIB’s mission to promote sustainable infrastructure investments and to improve social and economic outcomes in Asia and beyond.

Previous experience and qualifications will determine the grade and job title at which successful applicants will enter AIIB.


* Closing Date: All opportunities close at 11:59 p.m. (GMT+8) on the dates listed.

** Job Type: Recruitment of staff is conducted through a merit-based competitive selection process. AIIB shall strive to provide employment opportunities open to all suitably qualified applicants, regardless of religion, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation or nationality.

Ref. Number
Economist (Project Economics)
Minimum 5-8 years of experience
Economics Department
Job Type **
Global Recruitment
Posting Date
Jul 31, 2024
Closing Date *
Aug 14, 2024

Submit Your Application

Please follow the below link to begin the application process.







번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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공지 2024.12.12 [프리미엄] ★GGGI(서울) Carbon Pricing Unit: ....... 2024-12-27  채용중 
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공지 2024.12.04 [프리미엄] ★IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Project .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.12.03 [프리미엄] ★ICRC(국제적십자사무소) 한국사무소 ....... 2025-01-31  채용중 
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공지 2024.11.27 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace East Asia(서울) (한국 .......   채용중 
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공지 2024.11.25 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace(서울) 인재풀등록(Talen .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.11.18 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace East Asia(그린피스) Pr .......   채용중 
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공지 2024.11.09 [프리미엄] ★국제 Amnesty(서울) 모금본부 개인후 .......   채용시 마감 
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공지 2024.11.05 [프리미엄] ★국제 Amnesty(서울) 모금본부 웹디자 .......   채용시 마감 
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1918 2024.09.05 GCF(인천) Policy and Evaluation Specialist, IS-3 채용(~9.20) 2024-09-20  마감 
1917 2024.09.05 Greenpeace East Asia(서울) (한국인) 시민참여 캠페이너 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
1916 2024.09.05 IFRC(국제적십자위원회)(요르단) (한국인) H2O PEACE Programme Manager 채용(KOICA지원사업)(~9.13) 2024-09-13  마감 
1915 2024.09.04 Amnesty International(국제앰네스티) 한국지부(서울) 모금본부 고액 후원 마케팅 담당(팀원급) 채용(채용시 마감)   채용시 마감 
1914 2024.09.04 GCF(인천) (한국인) Policy Researcher, AS-C 채용(~9.20) 2024-09-20  마감 
1913 2024.09.04 World Bank (초급) Young Professional Program(YPP) 채용(~9.30) 2024-09-30  마감 
1912 2024.09.03 ASEAN-Korea Centre(서울) (한국인) Project Assistant 채용(~9.8) 2024-09-08  마감 
1911 2024.09.03 World Bank(Washungton,DC) Data Scientist 채용(~9.13) 2024-09-13  마감 
1910 2024.09.02 InfluenceMap(기후변화 싱크탱크)(서울) (한국인) Analyst(연구원) 채용(~9.16) 2024-09-16  마감 
1909 2024.09.02 국제핵융합실험로(ITER) 국제기구 공학, 행정, 건설관련 직원 채용(~9.15) 2024-09-15  마감 
1908 2024.09.02 ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office(AMRO) (태국) Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM) Specialist 채용(~9.13) 2024-09-13  마감 
1907 2024.08.31 UNDSS(소말리아) (초급) ASSOCIATE FIELD SECURITY COORDINATION OFFICER, P-2 채용(~9.18) 2024-09-18  마감 
1906 2024.08.31 UNPOG(유엔거버넌스센터)(인천) 연구개발팀장 채용(~9.11) file 2024-09-11  마감 
1905 2024.08.31 UNICEF한국위원회(서울) 사무총장 비서 업무 담당 경력직 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
1904 2024.08.30 IMF(국제통화기금)(본부) Senior Librarian (Team Lead - Content Management & Data Licensing) 채용(~9.6) 2024-09-06  마감 
1903 2024.08.30 UNHCR(서울) (한국인) PSP IG Assistant (Donor Retention) (후원자 유지), LICA4 채용(~9.9) 2024-09-09  마감 
1902 2024.08.30 World Bank본부(미국 워싱턴 D.C) (한국인) (초급) 디지털개발국(Digital Development) 동·남부 아프리카 담당(JPO) 채용(~11.4) file 2024-11-04  마감 
1901 2024.08.29 GCF(인천) Compliance Consultant 채용(~9.13) 2024-09-13  마감 
1900 2024.08.29 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Global Affairs and Digital Communications Administrator 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
1899 2024.08.29 UN ESCAP(인천) Programme Assistant 채용(~9.3) 2024-09-03  마감 
1898 2024.08.28 GGGI(서울) Carbon Trust Fund Manager/ Carbon Pricing Project Manager(탄소) 채용(~9.2) 2024-09-02  마감 
1897 2024.08.28 유엔여성기구(UN Women) 성평등센터(서울) 디지털 커뮤니케이션 인턴 채용(~8.30) 2024-08-30  마감 
1896 2024.08.27 ADB(아시아개발은행) Water Resources Specialist (Flood Risk Management)(물관리) 채용(~9.4) 2024-09-04  마감 
1895 2024.08.27 GGGI(서울) Carbon Pricing Unit: Senior Reporting Associate(탄소) 채용(~8.30) 2024-08-30  마감 
1894 2024.08.26 GGGI(서울) Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer 채용(~9.15) 2024-09-15  마감 
1893 2024.08.26 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Environment and Social Specialist 채용(~9.10) 2024-09-10  마감 
1892 2024.08.26 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Sustainable Development Specialist(지속개발) 채용(~9.10) 2024-09-10  마감 
1891 2024.08.24 GCF(인천) Project Officer, Project Preparation Facility 채용(~9.8) 2024-09-08  마감 
1890 2024.08.24 UNHCR(서울) (한국인) Executive Support Associate, GS-6 채용(~9.4) 2024-09-04  마감 
1889 2024.08.24 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) HR Officer(인사) 채용(~9.4) 2024-09-04  마감