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기관 World Council of Churches(한국) Governance, Economics and Management (GEM) School 2025 모집(~2025.3.1) 
프로그램 World Council of Churches(한국) Governance, Economics and Management (GEM) School 
마감날짜 2025-03-01 
채용/마감 알림 채용중 


GEM School 2025

South Korea | Economic & Ecological Justice


Ecumenical School on

Governance, Economics and Management (GEM)

for an Economy of Life

South Korea (TBC), 18 – 29 August 2025


Invitation to Apply

In order to strengthen the voice of the churches with regards to global economics, a group of up to 20 current and future leaders representing the churches will have the opportunity to attend the Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics and Management (GEM School) for an Economy of Life in South Korea (TBC) from 18 until 29 August 2025.


Co-organized by the World Council of Churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches, Lutheran World Federation, World Methodist Council and Council for World Mission, this initiative responds to recommendations outlined in the Sao Paulo Statement: International Financial transformation for an Economy of Life and in the document Economy of Life for All Now: An Ecumenical Action Plan for a New International Financial and Economic Architecture, which identified as a priority the development of competencies in economics within churches.


Currently churches’ ethical, moral and theological perspectives on the workings of the global economy have minimal impact on financial and economic policies, business practices and ways of thinking. To address this gap, the GEM School aims to build economic literacy within churches by equipping participants with the tools and languages to effectively advocate for urgent transformations in the global financial and economic realm.


Learning objectives

The 10-day curriculum addresses the following objectives:

  • Identify theological starting points for economic justice (i.e. why and how theology and ethics are intertwined with economics)
  • Provide a basic understanding of mainstream economic thinking
  • Identify, relativize and contextualize methodologies and normative fundamentals of economics
  • Widen the horizon of economics by introducing ecological, feminist and other alternative approaches
  • Develop the interdisciplinary structure and ethical implications of combining theological dimensions with economics
  • Lay out the political and strategic implications for churches and their advocacy for an Economy of Life


Nomination criteria

  • MA or BA preferably in theology, economics/finance/business management or any social science; or demonstration of competence in the aforementioned fields by engagement in issues of socio-economic and ecological justice through, for example, programmes or processes connected to sponsoring and  other partner organizations
  • Five years of leadership experience (waived for youth until the age of 30)
  • Sound insights into practices of public policy and passion for justice (assessed through an essay)
  • Endorsement from a church or ecumenical organization

Among candidates who meet the nomination criteria, participants will be selected with a view to achieving regional, gender and denominational balance.


Participants are granted full scholarship, including flights, accommodation and full board. A contribution of 100 US dollars is expected from each participant.


Application form and guidelines

Application forms, guidelines and the draft programme may be downloaded here 


Filled-out application forms and supporting documents should be sent via this link: 


If you need more information, please contact by email to:


The final date of submission of applications is on 1 March 2025. Selected participants will be informed by 31 March 2025.



Further inquiries may be directed to, or




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