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기관 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) 
프로그램 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Recruitment Assistant (HR Department) 채용(채용시 마감) 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


[국제백신연구소] Recruitment Assistant (HR Department)

Job Description

* 국제백신연구소는 백신을 개발하여 개발도상국가가 전염병으로부터 자유로울 수 있도록 돕고자 하는 국제기구입니다.
* 국제백신연구소 HR 부서에서 Recruitment Assistant 로 근무하실 분을 모집합니다.

* 업무 내용
1. Assist in the recruitment process

  1. Assist in internal and external job postings for approved open positions
  2. Assist in collecting and archiving submitted resumes for open positions
  3. Conduct initial screenings for submitted applications (e.g., screening resume by minimum requirements)
  4. Assist in arranging interviews as requested
  5. Assist in collecting interview feedback
  6. Assist in conducting a reference check

2. Assist in maintaining effective recruitment system updates

  1. Assist in developing and maintaining an effective recruitment process
  2. Keep up-to-date status updates in the recruitment system
  3. Provide logistics/administrative support in the recruitment process as instructed (e.g., meetings, training, incoming visits, etc.)
  4. Respond to external inquiries regarding recruitment

3. Administrate HR affairs for the recruitment team

  1. Support in keeping up-to-date data for HR Information System
  2. Compile and update employee records (hard and soft copies)
  3. Process routine vendor payments as directed (e.g., payments for external vendors, etc.).
  4. Prepare official documents for IVI Staff (e.g. Employee Certificate, Career Certificate, etc.).
  5. Assist with day-to-day operations of the recruitment team and duties as required (e.g., drafting all staff memos, purchasing office supplies, and gathering information).

* 제출 서류
- 이력서 필수 (파일명은 'Recruitment Assistant_영문 성명' 으로 저장 바람)
- 이력서는 로 제출 해주시기 바랍니다.

Job Requirements

1. Education Requirements

  1. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent

2. Related Field Work Experience

  1. 0+ years

3. Technical and Professional Skills / Knowledge

  1. Proficiency in MS Office (especially Excel)

4. Language Proficiency

  1. Fluency in English

Additional Information

  • 커리어수준인턴.신입.2년이내
  • 급여사항면접 후 협의
  • 고용형태계약직
  • 경력여부무관

Guidelines for Applicants

  • 전형방법

    1차 서류전형
    2차 면접전형 (면접 전형은 서류 합격자에 한해 개별 연락 예정)

  • 제출서류

    영문이력서 필수 (각종 증빙서류는 합격자에 한해 추후 제출)

  • 이력서 양식

The Others


Company Information

International Vaccine Institute(IVI) 외국계기업
서울 관악구 봉천7동 국제백신·SK·LG연구공원, 국제백신연구소


The International Vaccine Institute is a non-profit independent international organization which was initiated by UNDP and is concerned with research and development of new and improved vaccines for use primarily in developing countries.



번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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공지 2025.02.10 [프리미엄] ★UNITAR(유엔훈련연구기구) 제주국제 ....... file 2025-02-27  채용중 
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