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기관 Greenpeace East Asia(서울) (한국인) 
프로그램 Greenpeace East Asia(서울) (한국인) Deputy Director of Fundraising&Engagement (서울사무소 후원팀 국장) 채용(채용시 마감) 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Date:  2 Jan 2025
Company:  Greenpeace East Asia

Deputy Director of Fundraising&Engagement

(서울사무소 후원팀 국장)


[주요 업무]


  • 경영진과 협력하여 조직 전략을 개발하고 후원 계획 수립
  • 혁신적이고 확장 가능한 후원 전략 개발
  • 기부자 관계 구축 및 영향적인 스토리텔링 촉진
  • 운영 효율성 강화를 위한 확장 가능한 시스템 구축
  • 후원자, 공급업체와의 파트너십 구축으로 조직 대표 역할 수행

[자격 요건]

  • 비영리 또는 기업에서 3년 이상 임원 리더십 경력 및 후원/Sales 분야에서 7년 이상의 경력
  • 다양한 규모의 팀 관리 5년 이상 경력
  • 전략적 리더십과 비전을 가진 분
  • 커뮤니케이션 및 마케팅 분야 경력
  • 대인관계 및 이해관계자 관계 형성 뛰어나신 분


  • 환경 문제와 그린피스 미션에 대한 이해가 높은 분
  • 예산, 재정적 관리 지식이 있는 분



- 2년 자체 기간제 계약직(그린피스 내부 규정상, 전직원은 2년 자체 계약직으로 입사. 2년이 도래하는 시점에 평가를 거쳐 정규직 전환 혹은 계약만료)



- 근무시간 : 09:30~18:00 (1일 총 7.5시간 근무(30분 단축근무), 주 37.5시간 근무)

- *워라밸*을 중요시하며, 야근과 회식을 강요하는 조직문화가 아닙니다.

- 4대보험,퇴직금,단체상해보험,건강검진(30만원상당),통신비(월4만원이상),영어학습이 지원됩니다.

- 연차이외에도 눈치안보는 출산전후휴가, 육아휴직, 경조휴가, 유급병가가 있습니다.

- 재택근무(월12회), 안식월(3년근무시 1개월 유급), 공휴일 중복시 그 다음 근무일 휴무가 있습니다.


@@ 지원기간과 관계없이 조기채용 될 수 있으니 빠른 지원 부탁드립니다.


[Main Responsibilities]

  • Collaborating with the executive team to develop organizational strategies and establish fundraising plans.
  • Developing innovative and scalable fundraising strategies.
  • Building relationships with donors and promoting impactful storytelling.
  • Implementing scalable systems to enhance operational efficiency.
  • Acting as a key ambassador through partnerships with donors and suppliers.


  • 3+ years of executive leadership experience in non-profit or corporate sectors and 7+ years of experience in fundraising/sales fields
  • Over 5 years of team management experience across various scales
  • Strong strategic leadership and vision
  • Background in communications and marketing fields
  • Excellent interpersonal and stakeholder relationship-building skills

[Preferred Qualifications]

  • High understanding of environmental issues and Greenpeace mission
  • Knowledge of budgeting and financial management



Purpose and Scope of the Job

The Deputy Director of Fundraising & Engagement (FR & E) is a senior leadership position that, in consultation with the Fundraising & Engagement leadership executive team and under the direction of the Deputy Executive Director, develops and supports in the implementation of the income growth strategy including responsibility for all new donor fundraising revenue strategy while integrating Greenpeace East Asia’s Audience and Engagement Vision to maximize resources and have a significant impact on organizational goals. This position is responsible for all aspects of new donor fundraising revenue, including but not limited to acquisition strategy prioritization, investment and financial sustainability and planning. The Deputy Director of Fundraising & Engagement is an active executive team member, leads a fundraising and engagement team in their market, and collaborates with advisors, program directors and managers, consultants, vendors, and other stakeholders to advance the organization’s strategy.

Scope As part of the FR&E leadership team, the role plays a key role in developing alongside other internal stakeholders to deliver the FR&E organizational strategy. The role will develop and lead the Fundraising & Engagement Strategy and, alongside the Deputy Executive Director, set the direction for the effective use of department investments relevant to their specific Greenpeace East Asia market. The role will provide strategic input for crucial decision-making and develop robust KPIs and metrics with the other FR&E Leaders and the Deputy Executive Director. The role will also ensure that external trends and developments in the effective use of audience data and fundraising benchmarking positioning are monitored and applied strategically to GPEA. The role will represent GPEA externally to other NROs and the broader strategic NRO community.

Job responsibilities

Organizational Strategy and Direction

● As a part of the executive team, steward the organization in line with mission, vision, and values by supporting and participating in GPEA organizational strategy development, goal setting, and planning

● Co-design, support, and participate in organization-wide FR & E planning processes across core capabilities from strategy planning to operations to revenue assessments at monthly, quarterly, and annual intervals

● Proactively collaborate in partnership with the executive team on budgeting and workforce forecasting as well as monthly financials reconciliation

Develop and Direct Fundraising and Revenue Strategy – Strategic Impact

Under the direction and support with the Deputy Executive Director and in consultation with the Fundraising Leadership executive team:

● Develop and lead fundraising and revenue strategy in line with organizational values that support Greenpeace East Asia’s current operating budget and our future income and supporter growth goals

● Set yearly goals for fundraising and revenue strategy including tracking progress, setbacks, and overall performance including analyzing results and presenting findings to the executive team

● Integrating impact measurement into planning and decision making

● Collaborating with the executive team on goal alignment and integration

● Develop ladders of engagement for non financial donors aligned with Greenpeace East Asia’s strategy, programming, and growth plans \

● Identify opportunities to innovate existing and develop new, scalable, and sustainable revenue streams

● Bring fundraising and revenue strategy into overarching organizational strategy and ensure all staff and collaborators touching revenue work are prepared and supported

Job responsibilities

Lead Fundraising & Revenue Team

● Set and direct annual fundraising and revenue budget

● Analyze current fundraising and revenue strategies and present findings and recommendations to the executive team

● Develop, direct, and integrate impact measurement into planning and decision-making across fundraising and revenue work

● Build and direct a fundraising team that can sustainably grow and maintain multiple new donor portfolios, and administrative capacities toward our fundraising goals

● Direct teams by maintaining open and transparent communication across the team

● Utilizing organizational practices and tools for team coordination and work management

● Supervising Fundraising and Engagement staff at a variety of levels from assistant to manager level 

● Annual evaluations of all direct reports

● The hiring and onboarding of all direct reports in the Fundraising and Engagement team

● Performance management for direct reports Engage and Organize Stakeholders, Build & Organize Systems

● Maintain and grow a strategic plan of new individual donors, relationships that bring in 2 million + USD annually in income.

● Direct managers and coordinators with varying fundraising and revenue experience to effectively deliver their fundraising and revenue-building activities

● Develop and lead the training of staff across the organization in revenue generation with a focus on engaging with philanthropy principles for individual donors, including collecting data and compelling storytelling.

● Identify, develop, direct, and implement FR & E organizational systems that support fundraising and revenue endeavours in collaboration with the executive team that is crossfunctional, repeatable, and scaleable across the organization.

Storytelling & Organizational Ambassadorship

● Serve as an ambassador for the organization in high-level partnerships from philanthropy, consultants, and vendors to program partners.

● Co-design, with the executive director and executive team, compelling story arcs for revenue generation

Job responsibilities


Competencies Profile

Act with integrity
Build Networks (internal & external)
Champion for Change
Demonstrate Expertise
Demonstrate Resilience
Develop Plans
Influence Others (internal & external)
Lead Organization
Strategic Thinking

Skills and Expertise required

● Proven track record in fundraising that has directly resulted in increased income for an organization

● Demonstrated track record of meeting income targets through strategic fundraising

● Proven ability to set fundraising objectives that align with broader organizational goals 4

● Experience working across a multi-channel fundraising program

● Background in data-driven fundraising with proven knowledge of data segmentation and targeting of specific audiences

● Reporting and post-campaign analysis experience

● High standard of numeracy, budgeting, negotiation, and presentation skills

● Highly developed written skills, with demonstrated attention to detail, and excellent communication skills

● Strong Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills

Specific Work Environment

The position is based in TW/KR and will require the successful candidate to work from the office. Greenpeace East Asia has a flexible working policy and is a family-friendly place to work.

Compensation Info


Job Segment: Performance Management, Philanthropic, Philanthropy, Fundraising, Manager, Human Resources, Nonprofit, Management






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