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기관 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) 
프로그램 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Travel Specialist (Procurement & Travel Department) 채용(채용시 마감) 
채용/마감 알림 채용시 마감 


Travel Specialist (Procurement & Travel Department) [based in Seoul]

We are seeking a Travel Specialist for a regular position to work within the Procurement & Travel Department at the International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, Korea. (Duty station: Seoul, Korea)


Job Description


This job is responsible for managing and operating business travel arrangements for IVI staff and non-staff. This job ensures compliance with IVI’s travel policies and procedures while executing travel risk procedures and programs by monitoring global security and safety condition on travel destinations.



Key Roles & Responsibilities


   1. Manage and operate IVI business travel requirements within budget and timeline
  • Manage staff and non-staff travel plans and provide timely travel arrangements.
  • Manage and operate IVI’s travel policies, procedures and programs.
  • Review and negotiate contracts or rates with travel vendors for best possible terms and conditions.
  • Monitor and ensure compliance in all aspects of travel policies, procedures and internal controls.
  • Provide advise on all travel documents, group meeting events in overseas, hotel contracts, travel insurance, immigration/entry regulations of destination country.
  • Review and process travel expense reports
  • Analize, produce reports on performance and provide comprehensive management information
  • Review and provide guidance on individual consultant and subaward contracts to ensure procedures.


   2. Manage and operate travel security and safety policies and programs
  • Operate travel security and safety programs that monitor global travel risks(emergency response, evacuation plan) to provide timely support for traveler who are in emergency/help in multiple overseas locations.
  • Monitor global security and safety conditions on the counties where IVI staff travels. Provide timely report/ advice to supervisor in emergency.
  • Implement a training programs to educate and empower employees to take ownership of their security and safety during international travel.
  • Implement and operate IVI’s Travel Risk Procedures.


   3. Manage vendor
  • Build comprehensive sourcing network and constantly strive to find better source of supply
  • Conduct performance review of key vendors.
  • Manage travel agencies including operational, technical issues, reporting systems and adherence to policy
  • Provide vendors with training and education to comply with institute travel policies and procedures.


 4. Improve policies and procedures and manage system
  • Provide staff training and guidance on travel policies, procedures and system.
  • Drive continuous improvements on travel strategy, policies, procedures, and system.


5. Other duties as assigned.



Job Requirements and Qualifications


   1. Education Requirements
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent


   2. Related Field Work Experience
  • 7+ years


   3. Technical and Professional Skills / Knowledge
  • Good knowledge of travel booking programs and industry
  • Good knowledge of international travel regulations and customs
  • Good knowledge of travel security and safety
  • Good knowledge of expense reporting and processing.
  • Good knowledge of ERP, Excel, Reporting System


   4. Language Proficiency
  • Fluency in English
Apply for job





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