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기관 MSF(국경없는의사회) (한국인) 
프로그램 MSF(국경없는의사회) (한국인) Head of Finance and Compliance 채용(채용시 마감) 
채용/마감 알림 채용중 



Finance and Compliance
Head of Finance and Compliance
Reports to: 
Executive Director
Start date: 


  • Position: Head of Finance and Compliance
  • Contract: FTE
  • Commencement date: ASAP


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical humanitarian organization created in 1971 and provides medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, natural disasters, or exclusion from health care. MSF runs humanitarian programs in around 460 projects worldwide.

MSF opened its office in the Republic of Korea in 2012, based in Seoul. The MSF Korea office focuses on four key pillars: (1) fundraising from Korean donors to directly support MSF medical humanitarian activities, (2) recruitment of skilled Korean medical and non-medical staff to dispatch to MSF field projects, (3) communications to the Korean public on global humanitarian crises and urgent health emergencies, (4) outreach to Korean stakeholders and policymakers in support of international community engagement and action related with MSF social mission.


The Head of Finance and Compliance’s key objective is to manage all financial, legal, compliance and IT activities as part of MSF Korea’s work towards MSF’s social mission. In particular, the Head of Finance and Compliance is accountable for:


  • Overall financial and administrative management of MSF Korea in compliance with regulatory requirements of the Republic of Korea and MSF’s international standards and expectations
  • Develop and formulate all Finance and Administration (including IT) strategies and budgets
  • Responsible for the management and mitigation of key financial and legal organisational risks
  • Defining and implementing financial tools and processes to enable the office to meet its reporting obligations and to optimise the use of available resources
  • Analysis of revenues, expenditures and investments to ensure good financial management, mitigate financial risk and ensure the sustainable provision of grants for humanitarian activities
  • Supporting the development and review of annual and multi-year strategic plans and budgets, ensuring correlation between plans and allocated resources
  • Financial and other reporting to the authorities and public according to statutory and organisational requirements and in a timely manner
  • Overall legal and compliance management, including information security within and outside Korea, compliance with Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); mitigation of potential legal and other risks
  • Maintaining relationships with service providers and relevant regulatory bodies
  • Overseeing specific files as delegated by the Executive Director.


The Head of Finance and Compliance is a member of the Leadership Team and uses their financial acumen, analytical skills and compliance knowledge to participate in broad and shared organisational decision-making towards the achievement of MSF Korea’s strategic goals.




  • Support heads of departments to produce annual budgets and mid-year revision and consolidate on behalf of MSFK
  • Monitor budget execution through MSF Korea’s financial/accounting systems to prevent significant deviations in expenditure from budget plan through internal control and accountability mechanisms and implement regular budget reviews
  • Define financial strategy, policies and practice for MSF Korea
  • Analyse financial data, appraise MSF Korea’s financial position, produce forecasts, issue periodic updates and reports on financial stability, liquidity, and growth to the Leadership Team
  • Manage all cash reserves, including investment planning and manage treasury issues
  • Oversee relationships with all finance-related vendors such as banks and systems providers
  • Approve transfer of funds for outgoing payments through banking systems
  • Ensure proper procurement policies and procedures and accounting records and confirm that all MSFK procurement and financial transactions comply with said policies and procedures
  • Be accountable for accurate and timely annual closure of the accounts, production of all year-end financial statements for the organisation in compliance with MSF International Accounting Standards, Korean Legislation, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and international and external reporting requirements. Provide the auditors with all relevant information and liaise with tax accountant with regards to taxation matters
  • Liaise with the Treasurers of the MSF Korea board and update them on financial status
  • Work with Finance Directors of relevant MSF operational centres to manage grant allocation
  • Ensure finance functional model evolves to deliver constant optimisation of finance/accounting processes balancing efficiency with transparency
  • Establish and ensure compliance with internal procedures and international and domestic regulations and best practice related to banking
  • Manage and follow-up internal international financial related topics (monthly financial updates, resource sharing agreements, International Combined Accounts etc.)
  • Support with carbon accounting and reporting to the MSF movement.


IT, Privacy and Data Security

  • Support the IT Manager in the delivery of IT support and services for the MSF Korea office including the development and implementation of MSF Korea’s IT policies and procedures
  • Ensure processes and procedures are in place to manage security of MSF Korea data (in line with GDPR and PIPA) and systems.


Risk Management & Legal Compliance

  • Assure compliance with government regulators including fundraising activities; advocacy and international grant-making practices
  • Oversee and ensure renewal of licenses and approvals for continuation of MSF Korea activities
  • Be accountable for statutory reporting to key regulatory authorities
  • Provide oversight of all contracts to which MSF Korea is party to, ensuring appropriate controls and standards
  • Ensure necessary organisational insurances are in place
  • Proactively maintain MSF Korea Risk Register and propose mitigation strategies for risks related to finance, IT and compliance
  • Act as focal point and secure legal advice on governance, financial and regulatory matters
  • Act as the focal point between MSF and key ministries and regulatory authorities and facilitate clear and effective communication
  • Support the preparing and executing of MSF Korea Board meetings and annual General Assemblies especially on matters relating to documentary and regulatory compliance.


Leadership and Team Management

  • Manage, delegate authority and guide Finance and Compliance team to achieve goals
  • Represent MSF Korea in relevant MSF meetings or as delegated by the Executive Director
  • Provide relevant support and feedback to colleagues in a context of mutual respect
  • Proactively liaise with other MSF offices to ensure mutual accountability, harmonisation and best practice.



  • 각 팀 디렉터들의 연간 예산 및 중간 수정안 작성 지원 및 통합.
  • MSFK의 재무/회계 시스템을 통한 예산 집행 모니터링, 내부 통제 및 책임 메커니즘을 통해 예산 계획에서 크게 벗어나는 지출 방지 및 정기적인 예산 검토 실시.
  • MSFK의 재무 전략, 정책 및 실무 정의.
  • 재무 데이터 분석, 재무 상태 평가, 디렉터 팀에 예측 작성 및 재무 안정성, 유동성 및 성장에 대한 정기적인 업데이트 및 보고.
  • 투자 계획 포함한 모든 현금 보유량 관리 및 자금 문제 관리.
  • 은행 및 시스템 제공업체 등 모든 금융 관련 공급업체와의 관계 감독.
  • 은행 시스템을 통한 송금 결제 및 자금 이체 승인.
  • 조달 정책 및 절차, 회계 기록 관리 및 모든 조달과 금융 거래의 정책 준수 확인.
  • 국제회계기준, 한국법, GAAP 및 국제/외부 보고 요건에 따른 연간 결산 및 연말 재무제표 작성.  감사인과 협력 및 세무 문제 관련 세무사와 연락.
  • MSFK 이사회 재무 담당자와 협력하여 재정 현황을 업데이트.
  • 해외 MSF 운영센터의 재무 책임자와 협력하여 보조금 배분 관리.
  • 재무/회계 프로세스의 지속적인 최적화를 통한 효율성과 투명성 확보.
  • 업무 관련 내부 절차, 국제/국내 규정 및 모범 사례 수립 및 준수.
  • MSF 내부 국제 재무 관련 주제(월별 업데이트, 리소스 공유 계약, 국제 통합 계정 등) 관리 및 후속 조치.
  • 탄소 계산 및 MSF movement에 대한 보고를 지원.


개인정보 보호 및 데이터 보안

  • MSFK의 IT 정책/절차 개발·실행 및 IT 지원·서비스 제공을 위한 IT 매니저 지원.
  • GDPR 및 PIPA에 따라 데이터 보안을 위한 프로세스·절차 및 시스템 관리.


리스크 관리 및 법률 준수

  • 기금 모금 활동, 옹호 및 국제 보조금 조성 관련 정부 규제 준수 보장.
  • MSFK의 활동 지속을 위한 라이선스 및 승인 갱신 감독/보장.
  • 주요 규제 관련 법적 보고에 대한 책임 확보.
  • MSFK 계약 관리감독 및 적절한 통제와 기준 보장.
  • 필요한 조직 보험 마련 여부 확인.
  • 재무, IT, 규정 준수 관련 리스크 등록 유지 및 완화 전략 제안.
  • 거버넌스, 재무, 규제 문제에 대한 구심점 역할 및 법률 자문 확보.
  • MSF와 주요 부처/규제 당국 간 커뮤니케이션 구심점 역할 및 효과적 소통 촉진.
  • MSFK 이사회 및 연례 총회의 준비와 실행 지원, 특히 문서 및 규정 준수 관련 문제 담당.


리더십 및 팀 관리

  • Finance and Compliance 팀 관리 및 목표 달성 위한 지침 제공.
  • MSF 관련 회의에서 MSFK 대표 또는 사무총장의 위임 받아 참석.
  • 상호 존중하며 동료에게 적절한 지원 및 피드백 제공.
  • 다른 MSF 해외 사무소와 적극 소통하여 상호 책임, 조화 및 모범 사례 보장.



Education and Experience

  • Degree in a related field (e.g. Business Administration, Finance,  Commerce, Law, General Management) or equivalent
  • Over 8 years of progressive experience in Finance and Administration
  • Professional accounting designation is preferred
  • Experience in an INGO preferred.


Values and Competencies

  • Interest and commitment to work in the non-profit sector,
  • Commitment to the values, principles, and objectives of MSF
  • Fluency in English and Korean
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Results-oriented with proven expertise in developing and managing large budgets, financial reporting, auditing, automated financial systems, compliance, the establishment of internal controls, designing and implementing processes to increase the efficiency of a growing organisation
  • Rigorous thinking, able to balance the big picture and maintain necessary attention to detail
  • Ability to anticipate and resolve problems in a timely manner
  • Experience in people management.


학위 및 필수 경력

  • 관련 분야 학위(재무학, 상업학, 법학, 일반 경영학 등) 또는 이에 상응하는 학위 취득
  • 8년 이상의 유관 경력
  • 전문 회계 자격증 보유자 우대
  • INGO 경력자 우대


가치와 역량

  • 비영리 부문에 대한 관심과 헌신
  • 국경없는의사회의 가치와 목표에 대한 공감
  • 유창한 영어 및 한국어 능력
  • 뛰어난 커뮤니케이션 및 대인관계 역량
  • 결과 지향적이며 대규모 예산 관리, 재무 보고, 감사, 자동화된 시스템 운영, 규정 준수 및 조직 효율화 경험
  • 세부 사항과 큰 그림을 균형 있게 고려하는 능력
  • 문제를 예측하고 해결하는 역량
  • 인력 관리 경험



If you are interested in this position, 
please send your motivation letter and CV in English to

We will reach out to the chosen candidate, and the application process will conclude once the final candidate is confirmed.







번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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