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기관 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) 
프로그램 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Project Administrator (Clinical, Assessment, Regulatory, Evaluation Unit) 채용(채용시 마감) 
채용/마감 알림 채용시 마감 


Project Administrator (Clinical, Assessment, Regulatory, Evaluation Unit) [based in Seoul]

We are seeking a Project Administrator for a 2-year-regular position (renewable) to work within the Clinical, Assessment, Regulatory, Evaluation Unit at the International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, Korea. (Duty station: Seoul, Korea)


Job Description


This job is responsible for providing administrative and logistics support to Project Team to ensure efficient project implementation.



Key Roles & Responsibilities


   1. Manage and operate IVI business travel requirement
  • Provide budget justification for grant proposal, while preparing financial reports in compliance with policies and guidelines.
  • Provide support in preparing legal documentation (eg, MOU, service agreement, contract etc) utilizing standard templates. Support internal approval of legal documentation.
  • Provide support in managing sub-awards, sub-grants, collaboration and other vendors
  • Communicate with Finance for grant initiation and closing
  • Coordinate any IRB approvals required for projects.


   2. Project/budget administration
  • Maintain approved and updated project budgets to facilitate ongoing financial analysis.
  • Prepare financial reports in accordance with IVI and/or sponsor templates and guidelines.
  • Support preparation of budget and expenditure projections
  • Provide support in planning, monitoring and validating resource (FTE & external) utilization.
  • Monitor and validate individual project cost expenditures, analyze financial status, and advise project team members on funding execution


   3. Logistics and administration
  • Provide logistics support in procurement for the project and functions.
  • Provide logistic/administrative support in arranging meetings, conferences, workshops etc.
  • Coordinate and support disbursement of project funds
  • Manage project archiving system




Job Requirements and Qualifications


   1. Education Requirements
  • Bachelor’s degree


   2. Related Field Work Experience
  • 3+ years in administration


   3. Technical and Professional Skills / Knowledge
  • Knowledge in accounting and finance
  • Knowledge of general administrative procedures and guidelines
  • Proficiency in MS Office and web-based applications


   4. Language Proficiency
  • Fluency in English
Apply for job







번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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