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기관 (KOICA지원사업) GGGI(아디스아바바) 
프로그램 Project Assistant, Administration & Logistics, CRFLR (KOICA-Funded Project) 
마감날짜 2023-03-21 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Project Assistant, Administration & Logistics, CRFLR (KOICA-Funded Project)

GGGI Ethiopia Country Office is implementing a KOICA funded “Climate Resilient Forest and Landscape Restoration (CRFLR) project in Ethiopia” in partnership with national and regional government partners. The overall goal of this project is to secure provision of ecosystem services and improve climate resilience and green growth that contributes to national development strategy, GGGI’s strategic outcomes and sustainable development goals.

The Project Assistant is responsible for assisting the specific KOICA-funded CRFLR project and perform basic process transactions across a range of administrative support for country program operation and management for the GGGI country office based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This position will report directly to the Project Manager/Senior Forestry Officer and indirectly to the Senior Operations Officer.




The role of the Project Assistant is to assist and provide daily administrative-related service to the specific KOICA-funded CRFLR project fully meeting established institutional policies, standards and HR processes implementation and other operational functions. The Project Assistant supports in procurement processes, hiring processes of staff and consultants as well as providing day-to-day administration activities needed for the successful implementation of the project.




  • Working closely with the Project Manager and the project team to carry out operational transactions including procedures and tools required for procurement according to GGGI’s rule and regulations as well as donor requirements;
  • Coordinate communications with government, local project partners and other stakeholders for the purpose of arranging bilateral meetings, workshops, or facilitating information exchange with GGGI as needed;






  • Provide general and administrative support, manage correspondences, coordinates and executes all aspects of protocol and logistical support to the Project Manager and project team;
  • Supports CRFLP project activities with preparation for, or processing of, logistics arrangements, meetings or workshops;
  • Supports arrangement and coordination of internal and external meetings, taking minutes and documentation;
  • Provides general support to the program activities where necessary including translation services to support effective project implementation;
  • Compiles and files all program related documents for document archives (inventory library) both electronically (on SharePoint) and as hard copies;
  • Assists official travels and meetings by developing itineraries and agendas; booking flights, and arranging accommodations;
  • Develops and maintains updated mailing list of key contacts related to the project;
  • Assist in the management and monitoring of relevant procurement and financial modules of GGGI's (ERP) System for the CRFLP project;
  • Performs other ad-hoc administrative duties as assigned by the Project Manager and project team;
  • Assists recruitment of project staffs and individual consultants;
  • Supports onboarding procedures based on HR’s guides and resources, ensure quality onboarding and induction provided for newly recruited staff and consultants.




  • Bachelor’s Degree in Administration, Business, Accounting, Public Policy, Finance or related fields or equivalent experience is a must;
  • At least 4years of relevant experience in administration roles, preferably in international organization at the local level;
  • Experience in one of the GGGI priority sectors (green growth and sustainable development will be considered an advantage;
  • Good level of proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) etc;
  • Strong oral and written English is essential. Ability to prepare written reports and business correspondence, in English.




  • Organizes and accurately completes multiple tasks by establishing priorities while taking into consideration special assignments, frequent interruptions, deadlines, available resources, and multiple reporting relationships;
  • Maintains effective working relationships with staff and clients to facilitate the provision of support;
  • Fast learner, quick to adapt to new environment, systems and bring an immediate contribution. High literacy with systems, processes, and high level of analytical and logical thinking;
  • Outstanding teamwork and consensus building;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and proven ability to work with multi-cultural teams;
  • Ability to work well under pressure and have a flexible approach to tasks given with little supervision.




  • Understand and actively supports GGGI’s mission, vision and values.
  • Promote the optimum use of public resources.
  • Promote an organizational culture of trust, transparency, respect and partnership.
  • Process and share information easily, Strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Manage emotions and stress positively, builds rapport and resolves conflict easily.
  • Promote creativity and innovation among staff.
  • Be able to lead where needed and provide solutions to project-level challenge.


Values Logo

Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Addis Ababa
Contract Type
Salary scale
Country Scale
Contract Duration
24 Months with possibility of Extension
Deadline (23:59 KST)
Job Reference
















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