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기관 World Bank 
프로그램 World Bank (초급) Junior Professional Associates (JPA) Program 
채용/마감 알림 채용중 


Junior Professional Associates (JPA) Program ​

The Junior Professional Associate (JPA) program is a unique opportunity to gain entry-level professional experience and first-hand exposure to the challenges – and rewards – of international development.

Are you a recent graduate? Do you have passion for and commitment to helping others? Are you looking for a solid, two-year entry-level work experience in a multicultural environment? If so, you may be interested in the World Bank’s JPA program. ​

In your JPA assignment, you'll use your strong quantitative and qualitative analytical skills, your knowledge of technology and your research abilities - working with more senior colleagues and project teams in their work both in operations and in corporate functions. You'll have an opportunity to hone your skills and acquire new ones while gaining first-hand exposure to the challenges of reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity. Your experience as a JPA may be used as a steppingstone to a career in government, consulting, the private sector, academia or other development agencies. ​

What are we looking for? ​

Your academic achievements are superior and place you in the top portion of your graduating class. Your analytical and research skills extend to areas of specialization such as: economics, finance, human development (public health, education, nutrition, population), social sciences (anthropology, sociology), agriculture, environment (climate, blue economy), infrastructure, private sector development, as well as other related fields, including corporate and administrative functions (IT, legal, accounting, communications, etc). ​

You are fluent in English and, preferably, in at least one other Bank language (French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, or Chinese). You love technology and integrate it in your work.​

What are we offering you? ​

We will provide you with the opportunity to gain entry-level professional experience in a premier development institution, on a two-year, non-renewable Extended Term Consultant (ETC) contract with benefits. ​

Eligibility Criteria ​

The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for the JPA program: ​

  • Be 28 years of age or younger on your first day of service​
  • Hold the equivalent of a Bachelor's degree
  • Be fluent in English​
  • One or more of the Bank’s working languages is a plus: Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. ​


Since this employment program is highly competitive, applicants under active consideration for employment may be asked to submit academic records as well as references. The World Bank will contact only those applicants whom hiring managers wish to interview. ​

Positions may be located in any of the World Bank's offices across the world. ​

A JPA assignment is not an entry point for a career at the World Bank and employment beyond the two-year contract will be prohibited for a period of two years after the end of the contract. However, some former JPAs may rejoin the organization later in their careers after gaining experience elsewhere and becoming experts in their professional fields. ​

Recruitment and hiring for this employment category is ongoing throughout the year.​

How to apply? ​

Interested candidates may apply online. (Please take care to provide required information where indicated). Please note that applications will be kept active in our database for a period of six months. Should you still be interested in JPA program after six months, you will need to re-apply. Only those identified for an assignment will be contacted to discuss their interest and availability. Candidates are selected by the hiring manager on a highly competitive basis.​

Diversity and Inclusion

The World Bank continually searches for qualified individuals with a diverse set of backgrounds from around the globe. We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability. ​

Individuals with disabilities may be provided reasonable accommodations to perform essential functions and support in receiving other workplace accommodations.

Please see the videos "Behind the Mission: Working at the World Bank Group"























































































































































첨부: YPP_JPA.pdf





번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
공지 2025.01.25 [프리미엄] ★ICC(국제상공회의소) Academy(싱가 ....... new   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.24 [프리미엄] ★IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Project .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.24 [프리미엄] ★WHO(서울) (초급) Programme & ....... 2025-02-06  채용중 
공지 2025.01.23 ★★한국인 국내외 국제기구 채용정보(1월4주차 종합) 10개 직위 신규 채용 정보 종합   채용중 
공지 2025.01.23 [프리미엄] ★MSF(국경없는의사회)(서울) (한국인) .......   채용중 
공지 2025.01.22 [프리미엄] ★유엔산업개발기구 한국투자진흥사무 ....... 2025-02-06  채용중 
공지 2025.01.22 [프리미엄] ★UNICEF한국위원회(서울) 디지털 캠 ....... 2025-02-03  채용중 
공지 2025.01.20 [프리미엄] ★★UNIDO(유엔산업개발기구)(서울) ( ....... 2025-02-05  채용중 
공지 2025.01.17 [프리미엄] ★Amnesty International(서울) (한 .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.16 [프리미엄] ★International Rescue Committee ....... 2025-03-10  채용중 
공지 2025.01.17 [프리미엄] ★FSC(Forest Stewardship Council) .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.15 [프리미엄] ★MSF(국경없는의사회)(서울) Communi .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.11 [프리미엄] ★FAO(유엔식량농업기구) 한국협회 ....... 2025-02-06  채용중 
공지 2025.01.11 FAO(서울) (한국인) Partnership Support Assistant 채용(~1.25) update 2025-01-25  마감 
공지 2025.01.10 [프리미엄] ★Amnesty Interntional 한국지부(서 .......   채용중 
공지 2025.01.13 [프리미엄] ★Amnesty international 한국지부( .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.11 [프리미엄] ★Amnesty international 한국지부( .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.09 [프리미엄] ★IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Travel .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.03 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace East Asia(서울) (한국 .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.12.21 [프리미엄] ★MSF(국경없는의사회)(서울) (한국인) .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.12.21 [프리미엄] ★IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Recruit .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.12.20 [프리미엄] ★[해외] 한아프리카재단 차세대아프리 ....... 2025-01-31  채용중 
공지 2025.01.02 [프리미엄] ★World Council of Churches(한국) ....... 2025-03-01  채용중 
공지 2024.12.03 [프리미엄] ★ICRC(국제적십자사무소) 한국사무소 ....... 2025-01-31  채용중 
공지 2024.11.25 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace(서울) 인재풀등록(Talen .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2024.12.30 [프리미엄] ★AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) 2025 ....... 2025-02-16  채용중 
2014 2024.10.30 UN전문봉사단 (한국인) UNRCO(카메룬) Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus Specialist 채용(~11.12) 2024-11-12  마감 
2013 2024.10.30 UN전문봉사단 (한국인) WHO(짐바브웨) Health and Climate Change Officer 채용(~11.12) 2024-11-12  마감 
2012 2024.10.31 UN전문봉사단 (한국인) IOM(에콰도르) Field Operations Specialist 채용(~11.12) 2024-11-12  마감 
2011 2024.10.29 FAO(로마) Land & Water Officer (National Water Roadmap), P-2 채용(~11.12) 2024-11-12  마감 
2010 2024.10.28 FAO(로마) Land and Water Officer (Flood Management), P-4 채용(~11.2) 2024-11-02  마감 
2009 2024.10.24 Greenpeace East Asia(서울) Legacy and Major Gifts Manager(유산&고액기부 매니저) 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
2008 2024.08.31 UNICEF한국위원회(서울) 사무총장 비서 업무 담당 경력직 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
2007 2024.10.22 ICRC(국제적십자위원회) 한국사무소(서울) 법률자문관(Legal Adviser) 채용(~10.27) file 2024-10-27  마감 
2006 2024.09.20 UNICEF한국위원회(서울) 고액후원자 관리 및 고액후원 모금 담당 정규직 채용(~9.27) 2024-09-27  마감 
2005 2024.09.20 UNICEF한국위원회(서울) 유산기부 담당 정규직 채용(~9.27) 2024-09-27  마감 
2004 2024.09.20 주GENEVA대표부 일반직 행정직원 채용(~10.5) file 2024-10-05  마감 
2003 2024.09.26 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Investment Officer (Infrastructure Economist) 채용(~10.9) 2024-10-09  마감 
2002 2024.09.23 FAO(로마) Communication Officer, P-3 채용(~10.8) 2024-10-08  마감 
2001 2024.09.23 FAO(로마) Fishery Officer (Aquaculture), P-3 채용(~10.5) 2024-10-05  마감 
2000 2024.09.20 WMO(세계기상기구)(제네바) (초급) Associate Coordination Officer, P-2 채용(~9.27) 2024-09-27  마감 
1999 2024.09.30 WMO(세계기상기구)(제네바) (초급) Associate Partner Coordination Officer, P-2 채용(~10.10) 2024-10-10  마감 
1998 2024.10.19 MSF(국경없는의사회)(서울) (한국인) Digital Communications Officer 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
1997 2023.06.30 INTERPOL(국제경찰기구)(싱가포르) CYBERCRIME OFFICER(사이버범죄) 채용(~7.9) 2023-07-09  마감 
1996 2023.06.26 IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Project Administrator (Science Unit) 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
1995 2023.06.22 TCS(한중일협력사무소)(서울) Procurement Officer(조달) 채용(채용시 마감)   마감 
1994 2023.07.01 ICAO(국제민간항공기구)(몬트리올) Field Recruitment Officer, P3 채용(~7.20) 2023-07-20  마감 
1993 2023.04.21 UNITAR 제주국제연수센터 연수기획관 2명 채용(~4.26) 2023-04-26  마감 
1992 2023.07.22 ADB(아시아개발은행) Climate Change Specialist(기후변화) 채용(~8.3) 2023-08-03  마감 
1991 2023.07.22 GGGI(서울) (초급) Associate, Project Development and Implementation 채용(~8.2) 2023-08-02  마감 
1990 2023.09.16 FAO(식량농업기구) Forestry Officer (REDD+)(산림), P-3 채용(~9.27) 2023-09-27  마감 
1989 2023.08.01 2023년도 제27차 국제기구초급전문가(JPO) 공개경쟁선발시험 시행계획(~9.8) 2023-09-08  마감 
1988 2023.05.30 IRRI(국제미작연구소) Senior Scientist I - Policy Analysis / Climate Change 채용(~6.16) 2023-06-16  마감 
1987 2024.10.09 UNHCR(서울) (한국인) External Relations Associate(대외관계), GS-6 채용(~10.20) 2024-10-20  마감 
1986 2024.10.08 IOM(국제이주기구)(서울) (한국인) Human Resources Assistant(인사), G-3 채용(~10.16) 2024-10-16  마감 
1985 2024.10.03 주OECD대표부(파리) 일반직 행정직원 채용(~10.11) 2024-10-11  마감