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기관 (싱가포르) KOTRA Singapore 
프로그램 (싱가포르) [KOTRA Singapore] Marketing Specialist (Korean Speaking) 채용(채용시 마감) 
채용/마감 알림 채용시 마감 


[KOTRA Singapore] Marketing Specialist (Korean Speaking)

Raffles Place, Central Region
Event Management (Marketing & Communications)
Full time
Add expected salary to your profile for insights
Posted 2d ago

Job Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with Korean SMEs, government agencies, and international partners to align marketing strategies and support their global expansion goals.
  • Organize and manage B2B business events, including Korean pavilions at prestigious expos and exhibitions, to showcase clients' products and services.
  • Identify and engage potential local buyers, creating meaningful connections and fostering partnerships with clients.
  • Conduct in-depth market research to analyze local trends, assess market demand, and evaluate the competitive landscape in targeted industries.
  • Analyze import/export trends of clients' products or relevant items, compile detailed reports, and provide insights to clients for new product development.
  • Offer advisory services to clients on trade-related matters, including regulatory processes, logistics, and market entry strategies.
  • Any additional tasks ad-hoc tasks.



  • 1–2 years of relevant experience in international trading preferred; fresh graduates are also welcome to apply.
  • Bachelor’s degree with a focus on trading, customer sales, or B2B sales is an advantage.
  • Strong research skills and experience in analyzing international trade, labor markets, and other economic-related topics.
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English and Korean to handle inquiries and communication with both English- and Korean-speaking clients.
  • Exceptional presentation and interpersonal skills.
  • Excellent communication abilities, both written and verbal.
  • Candidates who are immediately available will be given priority.


Other Information

*Office: #13-02 Suntec Tower One, 7 Temasek Blvd, 038987

*Working hours: 0830hrs-1730hrs(Mon-Fri)


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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Singapore?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • Which of the following languages are you fluent in?

Company profile

Company Logo for KOTRA Singapore

Services11-50 employees

KOTRA Singapore has been committed to promoting the mutual prosperity between Korea and Singapore business communities since its establishment in 1964. Our trade promotion activities focus on organizing and coordinating trade missions, participation in exhibitions, hosting Korean products shows, business tour groups to events in Korea, etc.

With a mission to increase Korean global talent pipeline, K-Move center located at KOTRA Singapore provides overseas corporations the opportunity to employ excellent Korean talents through various K-Move projects such as overseas employment and overseas Entrepreneurship. We provide Korean youths opportunity to develop a global mindset and capability

Perks and benefits
To be discussed

Company information

Registration No.S94RF0001L






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