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기관 Pacific Life(서울) (한국인) 
프로그램 Pacific Life(서울) (한국인) Senior Corporate Actuarial Analyst(계리사) 채용(~2.1) 
마감날짜 2025-02-01 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Senior Corporate Actuarial Analyst, Korea

Pacific Life
Seoul, South Korea
Closing date
Feb 1, 2025
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Job Title
Senior Corporate Actuarial Analyst, Korea

Job Description

The Role

In this role, you'll be exposed to various roles of valuation actuaries within a life reinsurer setting. You will capitalize on your existing actuarial experience to help manage reporting duties and make contributions to the firm's optimal capital management. As part of an international company, you will work with colleagues across Korea, Singapore and UK and will be involved in various valuation activities including IFRS17 and K-ICS through production and analysis of results. There may be support needed for other responsibilities of Corporate Actuarial or ad-hoc regulatory and divisional projects.

You will ideally be a newly/nearly qualified actuary with a solid track record and hold an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in a related discipline. Trainings and study support will be provided to the right candidate.

  • Support the production of regulatory valuation including IFRS17 and K-ICS for the company's Korean entity encompassing model runs, compiling results, checking & analysing the output, and documenting results.
  • Assist CA Manager with day-to-day management of regulatory submissions and compliance. Review of calculation results and some research of market practice will also be involved.
  • Support other areas in Corporate Actuarial, or ad-hoc local and divisional projects and training of junior staffs

Qualifications & Experience

  • Actuarial analyst with around 5 to 7 years' experience in life or long-term non-life insurance
  • Proficiency in at least 1 actuarial software
  • Strong technical skills in computer software including Microsoft Excel
  • Strong quantitative skills, inquisitive mind, and great attention to detail
  • Strong analytical, problem solving and communication skills
  • Proficiency in Korean and English, both written and verbal
  • Ability to work to timelines and multi-tasking

Desirable Experience
  • Long-term cash flow projection of protection business
  • Knowledge of insurance products and regulation in local market
  • Actuarial reporting experience in FRS17 or K-ICS is desirable
  • Knowledge of life/long-term reinsurance business is a plus

Working For Pacific Life Re

Every person in our global team is valued for the unique qualities they bring to our business and we seek to build their expertise and support their individual ambitions at every step. Of course, we take our work seriously and we know our team can operate under great pressure. We work hard and thrive on achievement, but we also know how to have fun and relax too. We regularly host a range of team building days to strengthen our team's connection with each other and reflect on their successes.

Providing employees with a healthy work-life balance is very important to our culture. We have a wide range of employee benefits and we host regular social activities and well being initiatives. We are also committed to supporting our employee's involvement in their communities, by actively fundraising, hosting charity events and overseeing volunteering opportunities.


• Group Life Insurance and Medical

• Flexible Benefits

• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we will provide reasonable adjustments during the recruitment process to ensure equal access to applicants with disabilities. Please contact us about your needs so that we can discuss these with you to make sure that suitable adjustments are made, where possible.

Pacific Life Re Principles and Behaviours

Please click here to view our company principles and behaviours





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