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기관 GCF(인천) 
프로그램 GCF(인천) Investigations Specialist 채용(~12.3) 
마감날짜 2023-12-03 
채용/마감 알림 마감 



Investigations Specialist

Date: Nov 6, 2023

Location: Incheon, South Korea (ICN), KR

Company: Green Climate Fund

Grade: IS-3
Deadline: 03 December 2023 (11:59 PM KST)
Job Category: International
Salary: USD 104,000 net (plus attractive benefits, that include the following allowances (as applicable): Relocation, dependency, housing, education assistance and home country travel.


The mission of the Green Climate Fund is to assist developing countries to respond to climate change while bringing prosperity to their people.

Established in 2010, the GCF invests in transformational climate projects in the developing world. The Fund makes an ambitious contribution to global climate action and channels significant financial resources into developing countries to help build low-emission and climate-resilient societies. It is country-driven and undertakes actions that reflect the circumstances of each country concerned and its national aspirations. The GCF is a key enabler of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Since its establishment, the GCF has approved 216 projects in 129 countries and has committed USD 12.0 billion in climate finance. In addition, it has built up an extensive program to support developing countries to identify their needs, in particular, those who are most vulnerable to climate change impacts.

The GCF’s diverse workforce is advancing its mission from its headquarters in South Korea. Our talented staff makes unique contributions to the Fund, enriching the institution through their combined expertise and professional commitment.

Position Objective
The Investigations Specialist, under the overall supervision of the Chief of Investigations of the Independent Integrity Unit (IIU), will be responsible for a full range of activities pertaining to IIU’s investigation and anticorruption functions.  S/he will conduct investigations into alleged employee misconduct and violations of integrity policies in Green Climate Fund (GCF) operations and funded activities and will help support disciplinary/sanctions processes. S/he will also assist in providing advice and guidance on anti-corruption and integrity-related provisions during GCF policy and/or contractual development. In addition, s/he will be expected to contribute to other IIU activities, including to capacity-building initiatives within the GCF and for entities that receive funds from the GCF.


  • Conduct and advise on the planning, organization, and implementation of investigations into alleged misconduct, violations of the GCF integrity policies and other wrongdoing. 
  • Assist in providing accurate and reliable advice to GCF stakeholders on matters concerning anti-corruption and investigations, including ensuring that the Fund’s integrity-related requirements are duly reflected in the Fund’s contract agreements. 
  • Participate in developing or reviewing integrity-related policies, and assist in implementing tools to enhance risk detection/mitigation and support Administrative Remedies and Exclusions processes.



  • Collaborate with interdivisional teams on contractual reviews, administration of justice processes, and risk management activities to ensure adherence to GCF integrity requirements.
  • Build collaborative networks within GCF Counterparties, professional networks, and other external stakeholders to facilitate cooperation, partnership, and information-exchange.
  • Develop knowledge-products on integrity-related topics  for GCF personnel, and for  entities that receive funds from the GCF for approved projects.


  • Prepare intake/preliminary assessment, management implication, and investigation reports, conduct ad hoc reviews of reports, and assist in post investigation activities.
  • Provide timely and effective input and guidance on anticorruption and integrity-related provisions during GCF contractual reviews/negotiations.
  • Assist in the development of, or updates to, IIU internal operating procedures and GCF integrity-related policies.


Requirements (Education, experience, technical competencies required of the job)

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in Law, Criminology, Finance, Accounting or other related discipline.
  • A minimum seven (7) years of relevant experience in investigatory, prosecutorial or litigation work, including at least three (3) years in an international setting. Experience in project-related cases of a multilateral development bank, national donor agency, or international organization is an advantage.
  • In-depth knowledge and experience in managing investigations, with demonstrated ability to plan, organize and execute related-activity and to conduct comprehensive analysis based on identification of key issues.
  • Deep understanding of legal concepts and standards related to investigations, sanctions and other anticorruption-related topics. Experience in policy development, litigation and/or contractual review is an advantage.
  • Strong interpersonal and liaison skills, with the ability to communicate tactfully with peers and GCF stakeholders.
  • Excellent command of written and oral English is essential; familiarity of another UN language is an advantage.

The closing date for application is 03 December 2023. Applications submitted after the deadline may not be considered.


*The person assessed by the Selection Panel as most suitable for the position will be proposed for appointment. Selection among short-listed candidates will also take into account performance at interview, appropriate testing, and references. 


Applications from women and nationals of developing countries are strongly encouraged.







번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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