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기관 GCF(인천) 
프로그램 GCF(인천) Knowledge Management Assistant Consultant(지식관리) 채용(~11.30) 
마감날짜 2023-11-30 
채용/마감 알림 마감 



Knowledge Management Assistant Consultant

Date: Nov 15, 2023

Location: Korea (KOR), KR

Company: Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund (GCF)—a critical element of the historic Paris Agreement—is the world’s largest climate fund mandated to support low-emission, climate-resilient development pathways. As an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), GCF contributes to the goal of keeping an average global temperature rise well below two degrees Celsius.

The Fund seeks to engage a Knowledge Management Assistant Consultant to carry out the tasks, duties, and responsibilities, deliver the set deliverables, and provide support to the hiring unit as detailed below. The consultant will join the GCF team on HQ-based. The assignment is for an initial 240 days over a 12-month period.




The Knowledge Management Assistant Consultant, reporting to the Head of Knowledge Management (KM), will be supporting day-to-day implementation of the Hub and Spoke model for knowledge management at the GCF. The consultant will support the knowledge management working group through agenda setting, administrative support, note taking to follow-up and follow-through after meeting action items. The consultant will support other initiatives related to the KM strategy implementation such as monitoring of the KM roadmap (2024-2027), designing and updating a compendium of GCF knowledge resources and a pipeline of knowledge work. Some of the other projects the Consultant will support include development of knowledge products and data analysis, conducting research and benchmarking, supporting day-to-day management of various KM initiatives, such as Knowledge Cafes, subscriptions and memberships, and drafting of various assignments as defined by the Unit Head.


Duties and responsibilities


Under the guidance of the Head of Knowledge Management, the consultant is expected to provide day to day support to the team in the following areas:

  • Support implementation of the Hub and Spoke model as described by the GCF KM strategy and roadmap, including support to the knowledge management working group, agenda setting, following up and following through on the action items;
  • Develop and maintain a compendium of GCF knowledge resources to facilitate access for personnel and external stakeholders;
  • Develop and maintain a pipeline of GCF knowledge work planned or in development, to ensure coherence and collaboration on knowledge management across the organization;
  • Mapping GCF relevant memberships, creating a database and pipeline for their management and prioritization, and support GCF participation in external engagements, Manage corporate subscriptions pipeline, including their categorization, purchase, access, and dissemination to GCF personnel;
  • Supporting the team with external partners engagements, including the writing of brief notes, PPTs, memos, minutes as well as preparing of other supporting material and providing logistical support;
  • Supporting the team with content development. This would also include benchmarking exercises, surveys, multimedia, and visual knowledge products, and researching;
  • Other relevant tasks as needed and assigned by the supervisor.


Deliverables for 2024, to be prioritized with the Unit Head:


  • Knowledge management working group: including agenda setting, note taking, meetings organization and organization, follow ups.
  • KM strategy roadmap monitoring through the creation of dashboards and databases.
  • Compendium of GCF knowledge resources.
  • Pipeline of GCF knowledge resources planned or in development.
  • Support to develop and maintain a library of lessons learned.
  • Support with Subscriptions and memberships and Knowledge Cafes
  • Content development: development: participation in among others, KM report drafting, visualization exercises, other requests from supervisor.


Required Experience and Qualifications


  • Hold master’s degree in public policy, knowledge management, business administration, climate change, education, or other relevant disciplines,
  • Graduating with merit or honors is an advantage, 
  • At least one(1) year of relevant working experience,
  • Excellent research and drafting skills in English for publications,
  • Strong qualitative and quantitative research skills, including experience with office suite (e.g. excel, word, outlook), survey tools (e.g. Microsoft forms) and preferably with online learning platforms.
  • Excellent data analysis, evaluation and reporting skills,
  • Familiarity with a Knowledge Management practices,
  • Ability to multitask and meet deadlines, 
  • Strong interpersonal and communications skills,
  • Self-motivation, self-initiative skills will be of high value.
  • Knowledge of climate change agenda is an advantage,
  • Good understanding and experience in operations of international organizations is an advantage.


Please indicate your earliest availability to take up assignment, and notice-period required, if employed.

Applications from women and nationals of developing countries are strongly encouraged.

Closing date for applications is  30 November 2023, 23:59 (KST). Applications submitted after the closing date may not be considered.








번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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1983 2024.10.04 AMRO-Asia(싱가포르) Regional Surveillance Group for Economist 채용(~10.16) 2024-10-16  채용중 
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1981 2024.10.03 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금)(서울) (한국인) Fi ....... 2024-10-31  채용중 
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1977 2024.10.02 AMRO-Asia(싱가포르) Country Surveillance Group for Economist 채용(~10.15) 2024-10-15  채용중 
1976 2024.10.01 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Senior HR Officer, HR Project Management 채용(~10.13) 2024-10-13  채용중 
1975 2024.10.01 IOM(우크라이너) (초급) Project Officer (Transition and Recovery)(한국인 우대), P-2 채용(~10.9) file 2024-10-09  채용중 
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