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기관 GCF(인천) 
프로그램 GCF(인천) (한국인) Junior Researcher - Data, AS-C 채용(~12.13) 
마감날짜 2023-12-13 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Junior Researcher - Data (Locals only)

Date: Nov 22, 2023

Location: Incheon, South Korea (ICN), KR

Company: Green Climate Fund

Grade: AS-C
Deadline: 13 December 2023 (11:59 PM KST)
Job Category: Local
Salary: KRW 53,227,000 net


We are seeking candidates who are local residents for this position.


The mission of the Green Climate Fund is to assist developing countries to respond to climate change while bringing prosperity to their people.

Established in 2010, the GCF invests in transformational climate projects in the developing world. The Fund makes an ambitious contribution to global climate action and channels significant financial resources into developing countries to help build low-emission and climate-resilient societies. It is country-driven and undertakes actions that reflect the circumstances of each country concerned and its national aspirations. The GCF is a key enabler of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Since its establishment, the GCF has approved 216 projects in 129 countries and has committed USD 12.0 billion in climate finance. In addition, it has built up an extensive program to support developing countries to identify their needs, in particular, those who are most vulnerable to climate change impacts.

The GCF’s diverse workforce is advancing its mission from its headquarters in South Korea. Our talented staff makes unique contributions to the Fund, enriching the institution through their combined expertise and professional commitment.

Position Objective
The GCF IEU is seeking to recruit two Junior Researchers. S/he will be responsible for supporting the Independent Evaluation Unit in the development and delivery of databases and analyses for policy papers, independent evaluations, reviews, studies, learning papers and systematic and synthesis reviews.  The position is nested under the Science and Data Workstream. 


The incumbent focusing on data requires a good grasp of quantitative methods including data analyses and statistics. The candidate will need to demonstrate a good understanding and mastery of data collection and management. For this, s/he will need to also show skills in using statistical software packages, such as STATA, R, and have extensive experience in applying such software in evaluation contexts. Applied data collection, statistical skills and proficiency in applying quantitative models to complex settings are a must. S/he should be able to demonstrate her/his familiarity with state-of-the-art approaches and be able to provide proof of these technical skills in her/his past work experience. 


As part of a strong team, s/he will also be responsible for supporting the IEU’s external relations strategy, in particular by supporting the development and dissemination of key messages to be conveyed to partners and stakeholders internal and external of the Green Climate Fund. The Junior Researcher should have a keen instinct to learn and develop skills that they may not have at the onset of the role. S/he will provide analytical and logistic support to activities and evaluation projects at IEU (scheduling of the workshops/meeting planning).


  • Provide analytical and operational support for database development and analyses for policy, evaluation, learning and synthesis papers and related products, including but not limited to, evaluation policy, evidence gap maps, thematic and strategic evaluations;
  • Provide statistics and survey related support to the team including using and reliability of different techniques and supporting the team in undertaking field-level data collection;
  • Provide support to data collection processes and data analysis, ensuring data quality and adequate drafting of data analysis results, under supervision.  Ability to trouble shoot problems in data collection, analyses and reporting and be willing to deal with tasks both at headquarters and in the field;
  • Undertake syntheses of evaluations and other materials, using methods agreed upon with supervisors;



  • Engage with consultants, experts and stakeholder groups for surveys both on- and offline, (phone) interviews and other types of data collection;
  • Undertake basic tasks such as populating databases and also working with consultants and interns for this purpose as well as to do sophisticated analyses;
  • Deliver background support to IEU’s external consultant projects, including initial screening and review of project/programme funding proposals and concept notes, interactions with accredited entities in bilateral meetings, preparation of assessment findings, maintenance of the operations database;
  • Support any additional analytical and operational tasks as assigned by the IEU;
  • Perform other related duties and willing to travel, as required.



  • Provide organizational and substantive support for GCF Board meetings and other events and meetings related to the functioning of the IEU, for example assisting in the preparation of relevant documentation, taking meeting minutes, preparing summaries of discussions, meeting reports, drafting agreements and other legal documentation;


Requirements (Education, experience, technical competencies required of the job)

  • Bachelor's Degree in qualitative and quantitative methods, economics, statistics, applied statistics, or related fields.  A master’s degree would be a distinct advantage.
  • At least three years of relevant work experience in a professional capacity, such as experience in the climate change, development and economic sector, within an international organization, development agency, governmental, private sector or non-profit sector;
  • Proven track record in managing meta-data, applying data collection and statistical and for assessment and evaluation work. 
  • Proven track record in applying data collection and statistical skills for assessment and evaluation work. 
  • Proven track record in the application of statistical software packages (STATA, R, Tableau) for evaluation project work;
  • Proven track record in data management and analysis in relevant development and environmental projects, including field experience and experience with larger panel datasets

The closing date for application is 13 December 2023. Applications submitted after the deadline may not be considered.


*The person assessed by the Selection Panel as most suitable for the position will be proposed for appointment. Selection among short-listed candidates will also take into account performance at interview, appropriate testing, and references. 








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