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기관 World Bank산하 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) (서울) (한국인) 
프로그램 World Bank산하 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) (서울) (한국인) E T Consultant 채용(~12.6) 
마감날짜 2023-12-06 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


E T Consultant

Job #: req25204
Organization: MIGA
Sector: Operations
Grade: EC2
Term Duration:  1 year 0 months
Recruitment Type: Local Recruitment
Location: Seoul,South Korea
Required Language(s): English
Preferred Language(s): French, Spanish
Closing Date: 12/6/2023 (MM/DD/YYYY) at 11:59pm UTC



Do you want to build a career that is truly worthwhile? The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) is a member of the World Bank Group, and our mission is to promote foreign direct investment into developing countries to help end extreme poverty and boost share prosperity. We do that through the provision of political risk insurance and credit enhancement to investors and lenders against losses caused by noncommercial risks. For more information, visit
Background and General Description
MIGA’s Operations Department (MIGOP) is seeking an Extended Term Consultant, to work with MIGA’s Global Trade Finance team in implementing the Trade Finance Guarantee (TFG) business. This position will be based in Seoul, South Korea.  The selected candidate will report to the Head, Global Trade Finance. 
Duties and Accountabilities
  • As guarantee underwriting task team leader (TTL), coordinate, and lead the work of the cross-functional project teams that undertake the TFG underwriting work within MIGA. Such underwriting work may involve the critical analysis of technical, commercial viability, legal, credit, non-commercial risk, and complex financial models associated with the investment projects being put forward for MIGA guarantee consideration;
  • Closely coordinate with prospective trade finance guarantee holders and World Bank Group local counterparts regarding arrangements for in-country due diligence visits, Government meetings as may be considered necessary to support the guarantee underwriting work;
  • Prepare high quality presentations and analytical reports, and guarantee proposal documents for the consideration of MIGA’s Senior Management and Board of Executive Directors. Such presentations, reports, documents shall cover the scope and nature of the risks to be guaranteed by MIGA, and the terms and conditions of the associated contract(s) of guarantee, including recommendations on appropriate underwriting structures and risk mitigants;
  • In close coordination with MIGA’s sector and regional teams, support MIGA’s new business trade finance origination and client management efforts with the aim of generating a robust pipeline of trade finance transactions through management of key clients, export credit agencies and development partners;
  • Provide Trade Finance Program related input and reporting in support of the annual budget / strategy  formulation and approvals process, including corporate briefs and other reports as needed;
  • Contribute to development of the multi-year business plan for the TFG product and updating of the relevant procedures for managing TFG operations; produce briefing materials or other TFG updates; 
  • Work closely with MIGA’s sector, regional, client service teams to create awareness and understanding of the TFG and nature of MIGA’s TFG product; 
  • Contribute to development of relevant marketing materials / corporate presentations, targeting the relevant industry speaking events;
  • Mentor and coach less-experienced staff and work in teams to deliver high quality investments;
  • Supporting MIGA’s broader strategic priorities (IDA, FCS, Climate) by continuously exploring ways in which the TFG could be leveraged to deliver on MIGA’s impact and volume objectives for the TFG Program.


Selection Criteria


  • Master’s degree (e.g. in International Business, Finance, Economics, or related field) and at least 5 years of directly relevant experience in trade finance / credit guarantees, and/or export/agency finance and/or corporate finance; 
  • Extensive knowledge of emerging markets finance and economic development as well as an understanding of issues related to short/medium/long term trade and trade finance in emerging markets; 
  • Demonstrated technical underwriting skills, and proven track record in trade finance/ ECA finance and/or corporate finance;
  • Sound financial analysis skills, including experience analyzing and structuring short/medium/long term trade finance / credits;
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills (both written and oral);
  • Strong client orientation, diplomatic skills, as well as sensitivity to social and cultural issues. Effective interpersonal skills and ability to interact effectively with multi-cultural clients and colleagues under time pressure;
  • Demonstrated experience working in teams and a proven track record in delivering high quality work results and closing transactions;
  • Demonstrated interpersonal skills in managing transactions and project teams; 
  • High degree of discretion, ethics, tact, and sensitivity in handling confidential and sensitive information; ability to maintain high standard of personal integrity;
  • Language requirements: English (required).


World Bank Group Core Competencies

We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.

Learn more about working at the World Bank and IFC, including our values and inspiring stories. 

Note: The selected candidate will be offered a one-year appointment, renewable at the discretion of the World Bank Group, and subject to a lifetime maximum ET appointment of three years. If an ET appointment ends before a full year, it is considered as a full year toward the lifetime maximum. Former and current ET staff who have completed all or any portion of their third-year ET appointment are not eligible for future ET appointments.


Job Details









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