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기관 GCF(인천) 
프로그램 GCF(인천) (한국인) Senior Procurement Assistant (조달), ASD 채용 
마감날짜 2023-12-19 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Senior Procurement Assistant (Locally recruited position)

Date: Nov 28, 2023

Location: Incheon, South Korea (ICN), KR

Company: Green Climate Fund

Grade: AS-D
Deadline: 19 December 2023 (11:59 PM KST)
Job Category: Local
Salary: KRW 64,659,500 net

Please note that this is an Administrative Staff (AS) position and as such will generally be filled by nationals and/or residents of the duty station country. However, if the Fund's staffing requirements so warrant, the Fund may recruit AS from outside the duty station.


The mission of the Green Climate Fund is to assist developing countries to respond to climate change while bringing prosperity to their people.

Established in 2010, the GCF invests in transformational climate projects in the developing world. The Fund makes an ambitious contribution to global climate action and channels significant financial resources into developing countries to help build low-emission and climate-resilient societies. It is country-driven and undertakes actions that reflect the circumstances of each country concerned and its national aspirations. The GCF is a key enabler of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Since its establishment, the GCF has approved 216 projects in 129 countries and has committed USD 12.0 billion in climate finance. In addition, it has built up an extensive program to support developing countries to identify their needs, in particular, those who are most vulnerable to climate change impacts.

The GCF’s diverse workforce is advancing its mission from its headquarters in South Korea. Our talented staff makes unique contributions to the Fund, enriching the institution through their combined expertise and professional commitment.

Position Objective
The Procurement Assistant will be responsible for providing procurement services under the guidance of the Procurement Specialist. S/he will undertake procurement of goods and services of reasonable value and complexity.



  • Review procurement requests to ensure appropriateness of technical specifications and seek clarifications, if required; 
  • Prepare/oversee the publishing of invitations to tender and manage/conduct all aspects of bid/proposal evaluations with transparency and efficiency; 



  • Provide support on the general procurement process including assisting with preparation of Institutional Procurement Committee (IPC) meetings and coordinating with user divisions;
  • Advise clients on the implementation of requested procurement actions in line with the Corporate Procurement Guidelines of the fund;



  • Undertake low-value procurement of goods and services in close liaison with user divisions and requesting units, and ensure that all associated procurement filing, and records are up to date;
  • Establish and maintain work program and schedule for ongoing contracts and newly planned ones for assigned divisions and units; 
  • Prepare procurement orders and submission to the authorized official(s) for review and subsequent approval; 

Requirements (Education, experience, technical competencies required of the job)

  • Bachelor’s degree, with at least seven (7) years of relevant experience or equivalent combination of relevant education and experience; 
  • Knowledge of Procurement best practice;
  • Excellent organizational skills, ability to multitask and maintains attention to detail and accuracy; 
  • Ability to work independently and under pressure; takes initiative in judging priorities and organizing work accordingly; 
  • Strong teamwork and interpersonal skills, and highly developed cultural sensitivity in communicating with all levels of staff and external clients, both orally and in writing; 
  • Mature judgement and absolute commitment to confidentiality; 
  • Good knowledge of office technology such MS office package; experience working with databases in highly desirable; and 
  • Fluency in English and Korean is essential; knowledge of another United Nations language is an advantage. 

The closing date for application is 19 December 2023. Applications submitted after the deadline may not be considered.


*The person assessed by the Selection Panel as most suitable for the position will be proposed for appointment. Selection among short-listed candidates will also take into account performance at interview, appropriate testing, and references. 










번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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1981 2024.10.03 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금)(서울) (한국인) Fi ....... 2024-10-31  채용중 
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