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기관 IRRI(국제미작연구소) 
프로그램 IRRI(국제미작연구소) Scientist I - Gene Editing and Trait Development Support 채용(~12.6) 
마감날짜 2023-12-06 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Scientist I - Gene Editing and Trait Development Support

Job ID:




Closing Date

About IRRI
The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is dedicated to reducing poverty and hunger through rice science; improving the health and welfare of rice farmers and consumers; and protecting the rice-growing environment for future generations. IRRI is an independent, nonprofit, research and educational institute, founded in 1960 by the Ford and Rockefeller foundations with support from the Philippine government. The institute, headquartered in Los Baños, Philippines, has offices in 17 rice-growing countries in Asia and Africa, and over 1,000 staff.

Working with in-country partners, IRRI develops advanced rice varieties that yield more grain and better withstand pests and disease as well as flooding, drought, and other harmful effects of climate change.
Job Purpose

The genome editing initiative is a focused 3-year pilot effort designed to strengthen CGIAR- National Agriculture Research System (NARS) gene editing pipelines ensuring end-user access and impact. It involves several CGIAR centers using the genome editing tool to enhance and complement current breeding efforts. This initiative will require a longer-term vision including the launch of new, collaboratively prioritized research activities based on market intelligence initiative and the gap identified by the breeders. Importantly, compliance procedures and capacity building. The scientist will also be responsible for liaising with other centers, and other CGIAR initiatives and fulfiling the reporting requirement of CGIAR as well as develop harmonized SOPs for stewardship, and developing standardized SOPs to proof foreign DNA-free GEd products and qualify as non-GMO in designated regions.

In addition, the staff will be needed to fill in the gap and take up critical activities in the trait development, markers, and phenotyping space for flooding-related traits and routine breeding activities.

This position will be based at the IRRI Headquarters, Los Baños, Philippines, and is open for international applications.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Assist the initiative lead to coordinate CGIAR gene editing initiative efforts to harmonize excellence through stewardship documents, and phase-gating process across different CGIAR centers and their national partners, capacity development needs, and trait prioritization
  • Develop a harmonized decision tree and protocols to obtain transgene-free status from respected country regulators and coordinate the CGIAR initiative reporting the need for the initiative across multiple centers.
  • Conduct marker design and deployment for application in routine plant breeding activities.
  • Conduct trait development activities for flooding-related traits (Anaerobic germination, Submergence, and stagnant flooding) and any others that may be needed.
  • Assist in streamlining flood tolerance phenotyping in the breeding networks.
  • Develop capacity at IRRI HQ to take up trait development activities and connect to marker systems and genome editing activities.
  • Conduct capacity building of IRRI staff, students, and national partners in relevant trait development and phenotyping aspects.
  • Liaise closely with CGIAR centers working on gene editing and the initiative work package leaders, NARS, IRRI Breeding Team, and Private Sectors.
  • Coordinated framework on CGIAR gene editing stewardship, SOPs, and outreach activities
  • Consolidated scientific reports from multiple CGIAR centers according to the multiple donors' requirements
  • Prepare training materials, schedule the training and other requirements in coordination with designated center leads and work package leads
  • Liaise with market intelligence and breeding initiatives for trait prioritization
  • Marker design and application for the breeding of specific traits
  • Trait development activities for flooding-related traits.
  • 2-3 years experience in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, or Biology Post-doctoral Fellow level in IRRI
  • 2-5 years post PhD relevant work experience in Molecular Biology, or Biochemistry, and Biology for external candidates

Skills Required


  • Knowledge of Genome Editing
  • Knowledge on Stewardship
  • Knowledge of markers for plant breeding


  • Knowledge on Biosafety

IRRI offers a highly extensive employee benefits package inclusive of globally-covered medical insurance, retirement plan, life and accident insurance, and other allowances.

Join our team and be part of our story!

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
This position will remain open until filled.






번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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