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기관 Greenpeace East Asia(서울) 
프로그램 Greenpeace East Asia(서울) 유산&고액기부 매니저 채용(채용시 마감) 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Date:  22 Oct 2024
Company:  Greenpeace East Asia

유산&고액기부 매니저



  • 고액 기부자 발굴 및 지속적인 관계 강화, 후원 요청 주도
  • 선박 투어, 해양 및 기후 캠페인을 통해 신규 및 기존 기부자들에게 영감 제공
  • 연간 개별 회의 및 고액 기부자 이벤트에서 KPI 달성


  • 고액 기부자 모금 경험 우대

  • VIP,VVIP 마케팅&세일즈 경험 및 고위 이해관계자와 관계 경험 우대

  • 매우 좋은 Coordinating 기술 및 지식 관리 기술 우대

  • 글 작성 기술 뛰어난 자 우대



- 2년 자체 기간제 계약직(그린피스 내부 규정상, 전직원은 2년 자체 계약직으로 입사. 2년이 도래하는 시점에 평가를 거쳐 정규직 전환 혹은 계약만료)



- 근무시간 : 09:30~18:00 (1일 총 7.5시간 근무(30분 단축근무), 주 37.5시간 근무)

- *워라밸*을 중요시하며, 야근과 회식을 강요하는 조직문화가 아닙니다.

- 4대보험/퇴직금/단체상해보험/건강검진(30만원상당)/통신비(월4만원이상)/영어학습이 지원됩니다.

- 연차이외에도 눈치안보는 출산전후휴가, 육아휴직, 경조휴가, 유급병가,

- 재택근무(월12회), 안식월(3년근무시 1개월 유급), 공휴일 중복시 그 다음 근무일 휴무가 있습니다.


@@ 지원기간과 관계없이 조기채용 될 수 있으니 빠른 지원 부탁드립니다.



Main responsibilities

  • Lead on generating income from major donors, meeting with them 1:1 and asking for major gifts.
  • Utilising the capital campaign, ship tour, oceans and climate campaigning work to inspire new and existing major donors.
  • Reach KPI’s on individual meetings and major donor events throughout the year.


  • Experience in major donor fundraising preferred.
  • Experience in high-level (VIP,VVIP) sales marketing or engaging with high-level stakeholders is an advantage.
  • Very good coordinating and knowledge management skills.
  • Good writing skills an advantage.

Purpose and Scope of the Job

Reporting to the Deputy Fundraising Director, the Legacy and Major Gifts Manager is responsible for securing gifts in wills and donations considered major gifts. The role will provide a strategic and expert approach to securing large gifts from individuals. The role requires input into key decision-making and influence internally to strategically align campaigns with opportunities to engage and solicit a growing community of legacy and major gift donors. This role will leverage the middle to high value donor pipeline through strategic alignment of donor development work to unlock the donor potential and significantly raise revenue from these segments. The role will also focus on personally engaging, qualifying, soliciting and acquiring major gift donors. The role would also engage with audiences outside of the existing database to enable new legacy and major gift prospects to support Greenpeace East Asia (GPEA).


Strategies will be co-designed with the Deputy Fundraising Director. Regular reports, tracking and monitoring of performance are an important part of overseeing this program (E1, E2, E3 & E4).

An expectation of conducting donor visits to personally solicit supporters for major gifts and legacy gifts as well as proactively building relationships through events, one-to-one conversations, stewardship and engagement via mail, email, and other virtual activities will be critical for success in this role (E1, E2, E3 & E4).

This role will manage and develop a portfolio of major gift and legacy prospects and manage relevant expenditure and income budgets (E1, E2, E3 & E4).

The Legacy and Major Gifts Manager (E3 & E4) will work closely with relevant senior Greenpeace staff in East Asia and internationally to:

● Where appropriate, influence and align campaigns with key stakeholders’ areas of interest
● Set goals, implement strategies, and align activities to significantly grow the local legacy and major gift community
● Serve as the local expert in legacy and major gifts fundraising and identify and engage new audiences
● Serve as an influential voice internally and externally to convey the importance and impact of Greenpeace East Asia’s work
● Coordinate and collaborate with the engagement team responsible for key influencers and celebrity supporters strategies
● Feel at ease with and facilitate high level conversations with stakeholders who have significant influence and financial impact on Greenpeace East Asia

Job responsibilities

1. Conceptual tasks, strategy development and/or project management
a. Monitor metrics and KPI’s (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
b. Develop a moves management strategy and touchpoints for prospective donors (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
c. Datamine the existing middle and high value donor segment to identify potential legacy and major gift donors (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
d. Write bespoke funding proposals based on existing campaign objectives (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
e. Conceptualize mini-proposals by bringing together Program areas that align with donor interests (E1 & E2)
f. Lead and develop strategy for a legacy giving program including targeted promotion and solicitation strategies as well as one-to-one donor cultivation and stewardship (E1 & E2)
g. Work with the Deputy Fundraising Director on annual planning, budgeting and goal setting for legacy and major gifts fundraising (E3 & E4)
h. As an expert legacy and major donor fundraiser develop new audiences and networks that enable a growing legacy and major gift program (E3 & E4)
i. Co-create celebrity key influencers strategy and KPIs with Key Influencers team (E3 & E4)

2. Implementation
a. Manage a portfolio of major gift and legacy prospects (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
b. Do stewardship, solicitation, and engagement activities both in person and virtually (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
c. Using moves management strategy and the CRM system proactively update, track and manage prospects (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
d. Conduct annual visits of top prospective major donors to identify, qualify, solicit, and steward (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
e. Develop custom events and work with existing events to engage major donors on and offline (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
f. Use research and data analysis to identify new opportunities for major gift solicitations (E1 & E2)
g. Write cases for support, leverage Programs and senior staff to facilitate solicitation, stewardship and engagement of major gift prospects and donors (E1 & E2)
h. Serve as a key liaison and listening post to legacy and major donors to add value and expand campaign impacts (E3 & E4)
i. Proactively identify key influencers, celebrities, or community leaders who become donors, volunteers, and champions for Greenpeace East Asia (E3 & E4)
j. Work closely with KOL team to engage with celebrity influencers to solicit them for major gifts (E3 & E4)

3. Provide line management and mentorship to key staff a. Line Management of potential future staff who would also conduct one-to-one legacy and major gift fundraising (E3 & E4)

4. Support/Coaching/Leadership
a. Collaborate, share best practice, and align where possible with regional strategies and counterparts (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
b. Encourage testing, collaboration with other teams, and innovation (E1, E2, E3 & E4)
c. Provide input and guidance to other departments or markets (E3 & E4)
d. Influence, coach, and train events, digital, and key influencer staff to align their areas of work in support of stewarding and engaging legacy and major donor cohorts (E3 & E4)
e. Serve as an expert on legacy and major gift fundraising by providing training and sharing with staff from other Greenpeace offices (E3 & E4)


Competencies Profile

Act with integrity
Demonstrate Expertise
Demonstrate Resilience
Champion for Change
Develop Plans
Strive for Result & Quality
Influence Others (internal & external)
Critical Thinking
Build Networks (internal & external)
Empower & Enable People

Skills and Expertise required

•    Advanced knowledge of portfolio management and relationship-based fundraising
•    Proficiency in budget management and expenditure monitoring
•    Advanced research and donor prospecting skills
•    Highly self motivated and driven
•    Fluency in written and spoken (at least one) local language in the region
•    English proficiency is desired, a working level of English is acceptable
•    Strong communication and presentation skills
•    Strong writing skills
•    Following requirements are a plus:
  o    (i) Experience in using Salesforce CRM system and Marketing Cloud
  o    (ii) Established network of high net worth individuals
  o    (iii) Advanced understanding of or training on environmental issues
  o    (iv) Advanced word, excel, and powerpoint presentation skills and training

Specific Work Environment




Job Segment: Marketing Manager, Data Analyst, Outside Sales, Fundraising, Marketing, Data, Sales, Nonprofit, Research





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2146 2024.12.09 [프리미엄] ★GCF(인천) Accounting Manager(회 ....... 2024-12-31  채용중 
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2144 2024.12.07 세계자연기금(WWF) 한국본부(서울) 4개 직위 채용(채용시 마감)   채용시 마감 
2143 2024.12.07 CityNet(서울) Operations Intern(인턴) 채용(~12.20) 2024-12-20  채용중 
2142 2024.12.07 GGGI(서울) MONITORING, EVALUATION AND LEARNING CONSULTANT 채용(~12.17) 2024-12-17  채용중 
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2140 2024.12.06 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace(서울) (한국인) Finance .......   채용시 마감 
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2136 2024.12.05 GCF(인천) Project Development and Appraisal Consultant 채용(~12.13) update 2024-12-13  마감 
2135 2024.12.04 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Digital Program Specialist - Business Analysis (Risk Management) 채용(~12.23) 2024-12-23  채용중 
2134 2024.12.04 [프리미엄] ★IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Project .......   채용시 마감 
2133 2024.12.04 ADB(아시아개발은행) Senior Risk Management Specialist(리스크 관리) 채용(~12.17) 2024-12-17  채용중 
2132 2024.12.03 [프리미엄] ★ICRC(국제적십자사무소) 한국사무소 ....... 2025-01-31  채용중 
2131 2024.12.03 GCF(인천) Financial Reporting and Accounting Consultant(재무, 회계) 채용(~12.13) update 2024-12-13  마감 
2130 2024.12.02 [프리미엄] ★국제적십자위원회(ICRC) 한국사무 ....... 2024-12-14  채용중 
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