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anonymous 2018.08.03 16:26 조회 수 : 84


기후변화에관한아시아투자자그룹(Asia Investor Group on Climate Change) 에서 Climate Action 100+ 이니셔티브를 이끌 매니저를 뽑습니다.

첨부파일을 넣을 수가 없어 링크를 공유해드립니다.

AIGCC 소개를 붙여드리니 긍정적으로 검토해주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.


The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) is an initiative to create awareness among Asia’s asset owners and financial institutions about the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and low carbon investing. AIGCC provides capacity for investors to share best practice and to collaborate on investment activity, credit analysis, risk management, engagement and policy.

With a strong international profile and significant network, including pension, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies and fund managers, AIGCC represents the Asian investor perspective in the evolving global discussions on climate change and the transition to a greener economy.