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영국 쉐브닝장학금(석사) 모집(출처:

2014.11.25 마감

Chevening Awards in Republic of Korea

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Applications for 2015/2016 Chevening Scholarships in Republic of Korea are now open, and will close on 15 November at 23:59 GMT.

Chevening Scholarships are awarded to talented professionals who are potential future leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers. The scholarships offer financial support to study for a Master’s degree at one of the UK’s leading universities, and the opportunity to become part of an influential and highly regarded global network.

The following awards are available in the Republic of Korea:

·        Chevening Republic of Korea Scholarships

·        Chevening Republic of Korea/Diageo Korea Scholarship

·        Chevening Republic of Korea/Korea Britain Society Scholarships

·        Chevening Central Partnership Awards

What can I study?

For Chevening Republic of Korea Scholarships, we accept applications from a wide range of subject areas, and particularly welcome applications in the following fields:

·        Media

·        Economics and Business

·        Climate Change and Energy

·        Political and Security

·        Science and Innovation

What does a Chevening Scholarship in the Republic of Korea include?

·        A monthly stipend

·        Travel to and from your country via an approved route

·        An arrival and excess baggage allowance

·        A thesis or dissertation grant

·        The cost of an entry clearance visa

·        Tuition fees up to £13,000

There is also a global Chevening fee cap of £13,000 for MBA and Master's in Finance. If the tuition fees of your chosen university course exceed this amount, you will be required to fund the remainder of your tuition fees.

How do I apply?

1.      Please read this important information before you apply.

2.      Follow the instructions on the Apply page to submit your application.


출처 :

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