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기관 MSF(국경없는의사회)(서울) 
프로그램 MSF(국경없는의사회)(서울) (한국인) Legacy Advisor (유산기부 전문가) 채용(~3.31) 
마감날짜 2023-03-31 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Legacy Advisor (New Position)

Department: Philanthropy
Position: Lagacy Advisor
Reports to: Sr. Philanthropy Manager
Recruitment Periods: 2023.03.06 ~ 2023.03.31
Start date: 2023.02.14


The position manages, motivates, and enhances the engagement of legacy pledgers and prospects in order to enlarge the legacy giving portfolio and builds long lasting relationships. Be a key contributor in the development of legacy giving tactics, promotional programs and designing legacy stewardship matrix and benefit package.

· Under the supervision of the Sr. Philanthropy manager, researches and develops tactics to raise awareness of legacy donation, increase the number of inquiries and prospects

· Planning and implementing all activities related to the legacy giving to meet KPIs and grow the size of the legacy giving pledgers

· Nurturing and maintaining legacy giving prospects and inquiries according to legacy donor journey

· Reporting on progress of the legacy giving activities to the Sr. Philanthropy manager on a timely basis and provides solutions as needed.



1. Main responsibilities:

· Researches and develops the legacy giving tactics and action plans to increase the pool of legacy pledgers and fully assumes their implementation

· Manages the legacy donation itself and estate and other forms of property associated with the legacy giving

· Designs direct programs for awareness raising regarding legacy donation market

· Develops and builds long lasting relationships with the legacy giving pledgers

· Develops and maintains relationship with legacy partners such as such as lawyers, accountants, and public sectors

· Align the legacy activities with all fundraising activities, and support each other


2. Legacy Program management:

· Develops cultivation programs to increase the number of direct contacts with legacy prospects and inquirers from database

· Strengthens and maintains personal and emotional engagement of prospects via F2F visits, phone calls, and mails and e-mails

· Improves internal legacy reception structure such, as reception of estate and other forms of property

· Develops promotional materials such as promotion videos, brochures and execute legacy promotion advertisement in Digital and DRTV

· Ensures prompt and appropriate acknowledgement of all legacy giving and inquiries received,

· Develops and implements lead management tool and organize the inquiry cases and result assessment

· Designs legacy stewardship matrix and benefit package and refine the legacy donation procedure and guideline

· Develops and expands good partnership with professionals and organizations in legacy and elderly market

· Consistently educates partners of legacy giving and MSF activities by F2F meetings

· Ensures all external communications and promotion materials relating to legacy giving programs are developed to appropriately reflect the reality of MSF’s operations and in line with the ethics and MSF standards,


3. Monitoring and reporting:

· Provides a comprehensive monthly report to the Sr. Philanthropy manager that accurately reflect caseload activity and performance and assess against goals,

· Under the supervision of the Sr. Philanthropy manager, manages and monitors the execution of legacy budget to ensure that expenditures are in compliance with the allocated budget and in accordance with the plan of action and best practices

· Ensures all information relating to the legacy is accurate, up to date and well organized and uploaded to the database while ensuring sensitive data protection,

· Monitors up-to-date legacy giving best practices both in MSF movement and in Korea and adopt/adjust MSF Korea practices accordingly.



1. Essential skills and experience

· Strong Commitment to the values, principles, and MSF’s social mission,

· Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in elderly market, trust bank, legal, tax, legacy, wealth management

· Excellent relationship management skills- proven writing skills, excellent in oral public presentations,

· Experience in designing, managing, and implementing marketing and communication projects

· Good communicator with strong interpersonal skills -Excellent interpersonal skills, negotiation and persuasive skills, Rigorous and good organizational skills, sophisticated communication skills,

· Numeracy skills including experience of financial planning, budgeting, and target setting and presenting detailed financial information,

· A proactive team player

· Ability to translate a strategy in tactics

· Ability to identify problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw conclusions including the ability to read analysis and interpret professional and technical procedures

· Work under pressure and respect deadlines

· Language: Fluent in English, Korean is mandatory.


2. Desirable skills and experience

· Experience in NPO

· Experience working internationally



If you are interested in this position, please send your motivation letter and CV in English to HR Department at: 

This position will be closed when the candidate is finalized. Please submit the application at your earliest convenience.  

Kindly note that the application will be reviewed when it comes and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.









번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
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