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마감날짜 2015-12-01 
모집: 2016 Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program
2016 Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program

2015년 10월 16일

The Asia Foundation Development Fellows:
Emerging Leadership for Asia's Future program provides highly qualified, young professionals from Asia with an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills and gain in-depth knowledge of Asia's critical development challenges. The year-long professional advancement program is designed to be a multifaceted experience, involving intensive learning modules – short courses, conferences and study tours in Asia and the U.S. – to enhance leadership skills, Asian development knowledge, professional networks, and international exposure. The program provides the flexibility for Fellows to design their own professional development component and to stay in their current occupations while participating in the program's rigorous modules. The program seeks highly talented individuals, under age 40, who have demonstrated outstanding commitment, integrity, and leadership potential within their professional fields and within their larger community.

마감: 2015년 12월 1일 11:59pm (PST)

Davey M. Kim
Program Associate, Asia Development Fellows
번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜
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