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기관 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) 
프로그램 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Counsel(법무) - Public Sector Operations 채용(~4.22) 
마감날짜 2024-04-22 
채용/마감 알림 마감 


Counsel / Senior Counsel - Public Sector Operations

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank whose mission is financing the Infrastructure for Tomorrow—infrastructure with sustainability at its core. We began operations in Beijing in January 2016 and have since grown to 109 approved Members worldwide. We are capitalized at USD100 billion and AAA rated by the major international credit rating agencies. Collaborating with partners, AIIB meets clients’ needs by unlocking new capital and investing in infrastructure that is green, technology-enabled and promotes regional connectivity.

Reporting directly to the Chief Counsel, the Counsel / Senior Counsel – Public Sector Operations will be responsible for providing legal and policy advice in relation to AIIB's public sector investment transactions with a view to protecting AIIB’s interests and ensuring compliance with AIIB’s mandate, policies and procedures. Public sector financing includes sovereign and sovereign-guaranteed loans.

Accountabilities & Responsibilities

  • Provide legal and policy advice in the context of the Bank's public sector investment operations with a view to ensuring compliance with AIIB’s social and environmental standards and other policy requirements.
  • Provide legal support to AIIB’s public sector operations.
  • Participate in, and where appropriate, lead the negotiations of legal agreements.
  • Draft and prepare various legal documents, such as legal opinions, studies, briefs, reports, correspondence, memoranda, agreements, contracts, and other legal materials related to investment operations.
  • Assist with the legal aspects of project preparation, implementation and monitoring.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with other multilateral development banks and development partners to further AIIB’s investment operations.

Knowledge, Skills, Experience & Qualifications

  • Minimum 5-8 years (for Counsel) and 8-10 years (for Senior Counsel) of relevant post-qualification practice experience, experience in a top-tier international law firm or with an international financial organization is a strong plus.
  • Relevant professional experience with sovereign loans and/or guarantees and loan/financing agreements is a strong plus.
  • An understanding of the legal aspects of investment operations of multilateral banks and experience in sovereign-backed financings would be an advantage.
  • Excellent command of English, including drafting and negotiating legal documents in English.
  • Ability and resourcefulness to work independently with minimal oversight.
  • Ability to communicate with and convince internal and external stakeholders at a high level with appropriate legal solutions.
  • Experience in working collaboratively in a cross-cultural environment.
  • Completed Master’s law degree and qualified to practice law in at least one jurisdiction.

AIIB is committed to diversity, transparency and inclusion. We believe our strength comes from having a team with the right diverse skills, experiences and abilities selected through a merit-based competitive process. We actively encourage applications from people from both within and outside AIIB members, regardless of nationality, religion, gender, race, disability or sexual orientation.

Join us and help create a prosperous and sustainable Asia while growing your career in a diverse and innovative environment.

Previous experience and qualifications will determine the grade and job title at which successful applicants will enter AIIB.


* Closing Date: All opportunities close at 11:59 p.m. (GMT+8) on the dates listed.

** Job Type: Recruitment of staff is conducted through a merit-based competitive selection process. AIIB shall strive to provide employment opportunities open to all suitably qualified applicants, regardless of religion, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation or nationality.

Counsel / Senior Counsel - Public Sector Operations
Minimum 5-8 years of experience
LEG Department
Global Recruitment
Mar 22, 2024
Apr 22, 2024

Submit Your Application

Please follow the below link to begin the application process.








번호 날짜 제목 마감날짜 채용/마감 알림
공지 2025.02.11 [프리미엄] ★UNITAR(유엔훈련연구기구) 제주국제 ....... newfile 2025-02-27  채용중 
공지 2025.02.08 [프리미엄] ★UNITAR(유엔훈련연구기구) 제주국제 ....... file 2025-02-27  채용중 
공지 2025.02.10 [프리미엄] ★UNITAR(유엔훈련연구기구) 제주국제 ....... newfile 2025-02-27  채용중 
공지 2025.02.08 [프리미엄] ★ICRC(국제적십자사무소)(서울) (한 ....... file 2025-02-23  채용중 
공지 2025.02.07 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금)(서울) Digital Ma ....... 2025-02-28  채용중 
공지 2025.02.10 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금) Fundraising Off ....... new 2025-02-28  채용중 
공지 2025.02.08 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금) 한국본부(서울) Po ....... file   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.02.07 [프리미엄] ★UNICEF(서울) 전사 브랜드 마케팅 ....... 2025-02-15  채용중 
공지 2025.02.05 ★★한국인 대상 국내외 국제기구 채용정보(2월1주차 종합) 13개 직위 신규 채용 정보 종합(2025.2.6부)   채용중 
공지 2025.02.05 [프리미엄] ★UNCTAD(에티오피아) (한국인) Trad ....... file 2025-02-23  채용중 
공지 2025.02.11 [프리미엄] ★UN Women 성평등센터(서울) Gender ....... new 2025-02-25  채용중 
공지 2025.02.05 [프리미엄] ★UNESCO(가봉) (한국인) Program As ....... file 2025-02-23  채용중 
공지 2025.01.31 [프리미엄] ★World Bank(한국) (한국인) IT Offi ....... 2025-02-14  채용중 
공지 2025.01.31 [프리미엄] ★World Bank(한국) (한국인) Technol ....... file 2025-02-16  채용중 
공지 2025.01.30 [프리미엄] ★Amnesty International 한국지부( .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.27 [프리미엄] ★(국제기구 고용휴직 공무원 선발) ID ....... file 2025-02-11  채용중 
공지 2025.01.27 [프리미엄] ★(국제기구 고용휴직 공무원 선발) OE ....... file 2025-02-11  채용중 
공지 2025.01.25 [프리미엄] ★ICC(국제상공회의소) Academy(싱가 .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.24 [프리미엄] ★IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Project .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.02.04 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace(서울) 인재풀 등록(Tale ....... 2025-02-16  채용중 
공지 2025.01.23 [프리미엄] ★MSF(국경없는의사회)(서울) (한국인) .......   채용중 
공지 2025.02.04 [프리미엄] ★GCF(인천) HR Operations and Data ....... 2025-02-16  채용중 
공지 2025.01.17 [프리미엄] ★Amnesty International(서울) (한 .......   채용시 마감 
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공지 2025.01.15 [프리미엄] ★MSF(국경없는의사회)(서울) Communi .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.09 [프리미엄] ★IVI(국제백신연구소)(서울) Travel .......   채용시 마감 
공지 2025.01.02 [프리미엄] ★World Council of Churches(한국) ....... 2025-03-01  채용중 
공지 2024.12.30 [프리미엄] ★AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) 2025 ....... 2025-02-16  채용중 
2289 2025.02.11 [프리미엄] ★UN Women 성평등센터(서울) Gender ....... new 2025-02-25  채용중 
2288 2025.02.11 [프리미엄] ★UNITAR(유엔훈련연구기구) 제주국제 ....... newfile 2025-02-27  채용중 
2287 2025.02.11 GCF(인천) Project Officer - Private Sector Facility (Talent pool for multiple positions) 채용(~2.23) new 2025-02-23  채용중 
2286 2025.02.10 [프리미엄] ★UNITAR(유엔훈련연구기구) 제주국제 ....... newfile 2025-02-27  채용중 
2285 2025.02.10 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금) Fundraising Off ....... new 2025-02-28  채용중 
2284 2025.02.10 GCF(인천) Oracle Fusion Functional Consultant (Finance and Procurement) 채용(~2.20) new 2025-02-20  채용중 
2283 2025.02.08 [프리미엄] ★UNITAR(유엔훈련연구기구) 제주국제 ....... file 2025-02-27  채용중 
2282 2025.02.08 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금) 한국본부(서울) Po ....... file   채용시 마감 
2281 2025.02.08 [프리미엄] ★ICRC(국제적십자사무소)(서울) (한 ....... file 2025-02-23  채용중 
2280 2025.02.07 ADB(아시아개발은행) Financing Partnerships Specialist 채용(~2.17) 2025-02-17  채용중 
2279 2025.02.07 [프리미엄] ★WWF(세계자연기금)(서울) Digital Ma ....... 2025-02-28  채용중 
2278 2025.02.07 [프리미엄] ★UNICEF(서울) 전사 브랜드 마케팅 ....... 2025-02-15  채용중 
2277 2025.02.06 ADB(아시아개발은행) Audit Specialist (Climate Risk)(회계 감사) 채용(~2.17) 2025-02-17  채용중 
2276 2025.02.06 IMO(국제해사기구)(런던) Digital and Data Officer 채용(~2.11) 2025-02-11  채용중 
2275 2025.02.06 UNICEF(케냐) Programme Specialist (Climate Energy and Environment), P3 채용(한국어 우대)(~2.8) 2025-02-08  마감 
2274 2025.02.05 ★★한국인 대상 국내외 국제기구 채용정보(2월1주차 종합) 13개 직위 신규 채용 정보 종합(2025.2.6부)   채용중 
2273 2025.02.05 [프리미엄] ★UNCTAD(에티오피아) (한국인) Trad ....... file 2025-02-23  채용중 
2272 2025.02.05 [프리미엄] ★UNESCO(가봉) (한국인) Program As ....... file 2025-02-23  채용중 
2271 2025.02.05 ADB(아시아개발은행) Trade Specialist(무역) 채용(~2.7) 2025-02-07  마감 
2270 2025.02.04 [프리미엄] ★Greenpeace(서울) 인재풀 등록(Tale ....... 2025-02-16  채용중 
2269 2025.02.04 [프리미엄] ★GCF(인천) HR Operations and Data ....... 2025-02-16  채용중 
2268 2025.02.04 UN DSS(에티오피아) FIELD SECURITY COORDINATION OFFICER, P-3 채용(~3.6) 2025-03-06  채용중 
2267 2025.02.03 AIIB(아시아인프라투자은행) Digital Program Specialist - Cyber Security Operations 채용(~2025.2.16) 2025-02-16  채용중 
2266 2025.02.03 FAO(식량농업기구) Veterinary Epidemiologist(동물전영병학자) 채용(~2.13) 2025-02-13  채용중 
2265 2025.02.03 OECD(프랑스 파리) Policy Analyst(정책 분석) 채용(~2.9) 2025-02-09  마감 
2264 2025.02.01 World Bank 본부 Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF), Program Analyst, GE 채용(~2.7) 2025-02-07  마감 
2263 2025.02.01 World Bank본부 녹색성장기금(KGGTF) Program Officer, GF 채용(~2.7) 2025-02-07  마감 
2262 2025.02.01 World Bank(서울) (한국인) 한국녹색성장기금(KGGTF) Program Officer, GF 채용(~2.7) 2025-02-07  마감 
2261 2025.01.31 UN Women(서울) Gender Research and Data Specialist, P-3 채용(~2.10) update 2025-02-10  마감 
2260 2025.01.31 [프리미엄] ★World Bank(한국) (한국인) Technol ....... file 2025-02-16  채용중