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기관 GGGI(서울) (인턴) INTERNSHIP 
프로그램 GGGI(서울) (인턴) INTERNSHIP FOR GGGI'S STRATEGY 2030 채용(~2.27) 
마감날짜 2024-02-27 
채용/마감 알림 마감 





The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page. 


We are looking for a talented individual to work in GGGI’s Climate Action and Strategy Unit, to support the company's Midterm Review of the Roadmap 2021-2025 under Workstream 2: Review of Strategic Outcomes methodologies and guidelines. 



In October 2019,GGGI’s Council approved its 10-year strategy, Strategy 2030, followed by the launch in 2020 of a 5-year action plan, Roadmap 2021-2025, to guide the implementation of Strategy 2030 during its first phase. In 2023, at the midpoint of Roadmap 2021-2025, GGGI is conducting a Mid-term review of Roadmap 2021-2025 which will include a review of its Strategic Outcomes estimation methodologies and guidelines and a review of Corporate Results Framework targets and indicators.

The Mid-term review of Roadmap 2021-2025 primary objectives for GGGI are to: 

  1. Provide GGGI Members, funders and management with an assessment of progress over the assumptions, plans and targets in the different scenarios contained in the document, taking into account the evolution of the global environment and related trends affecting the organization, and propose updates to assumptions and targets where relevant, in light of GGGI’s progress over the 2021-2022 period and forecasted progress for 2023-2024. 
  2. Continue building a common understanding and shared ownership of Roadmap 2021-2025 across GGGI, ensuring participation and incorporating ideas and insights from Teams across business functions and mobilize collective interest and action from staff in favor of GGGI’s Strategy 2030 and its objectives.  
  3. Further strengthen its approach to Results Based Management through the review and update of its Corporate Results Framework indicators and targets and Strategic Outcomes estimation methodologies and guidelines. 


The review will be organized into three interconnected workstreams: 

  • Workstream 1: Review of Roadmap 2021-2025 
  • Workstream 2: Review of Strategic Outcomes methodologies and guidelines 
  • Workstream 3: Review of Corporate Results Framework indicators and targets 


The updated Roadmap 2021-2025 will feed into strategic and operational planning processes such as the Mid-term review of Regional Strategies, WPB 2025-2026 and the Mid-term Evaluation of Strategy 2030. 

We are looking for a talented individual to work in GGGI’s Climate Action and Strategy Unit, to support our Midterm Review of the Roadmap 2021-2025, Workstream 2.

The assignment will include the following but not be limited to:

  • Conduct desk research, data collection, and analysis for the impact evaluation and estimation methodologies in GGGI.
  • Conduct analytical work for the estimation of GGGI’s impact on Its Strategic Outcomes
  • Provide support in coordinating the communication with GGGI country donors and country teams.
  • Provide support in drafting communication messages, PowerPoint slides, and word documents
  • Provide support on coordination tasks where required, such as the organization of meetings and providing a summary after meetings
  • Contribute to the learning and sharing activities of the Strategy and CAID units
  • Perform other tasks as assigned from time to time by GGGI



Applicants to the GGGI internship program must, at the time of application, meet the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled in a master’s or PhD program before an internship assignment or a recent graduate within the last 12 months.
  • Be engaged or recently engaged in academic study in a field directly related to the Institute’s work
  • Possess an excellent command of English.
  • Possess an excellent command of Excel.


  • University degree in a relevant field, preferably in international development, environmental studies, economics, political science, etc.
  • Relevant work experience in strategy development and sustainable growth, preferably in the field of international development and/or sustainability consulting/reporting.


  • Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
  • GGGI evaluates applications based on: eligibility requirements, relevance of academic study and work experience (if any); and the level of interest and motivation to contribute to development work.
  • Due to high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.



Duration: The internship program is for at least three months and up to six months. Once selected, interns must begin your internship either prior to or within 12 months of graduation. 

Stipend: GGGI interns receive a monthly stipend of USD $500 per month (unless agreed to be funded by sponsoring institutions). All costs related to travel, insurance, accommodation, and living expenses must be borne by either the interns themselves or sponsoring institutions.  

Visa: GGGI will provide a supporting letter for visa. Interns will be responsible for obtaining and financing the necessary visas.  

Travel: Intern will arrange and finance their travel to the internship location.  

Medical Insurance: Interns must present proof of valid medical insurance to GGGI upon returning the signed internship contract.

Confidentiality: Interns must keep confidential any and all unpublished information obtained during the course of the internship and may not publish any documents based on such information.  

Academic Credit: Interns may get academic credit from their institution of higher education for the internship. Interns need to check with their university to confirm their academic credit policy for internships.  

Working Hours: interns are expected to work during normal working hours. Leave should be pre-approved by the Intern Manager, and the latter should inform the Office of HR accordingly.

Learning Outcomes: before completion of the internship, Intern Managers are expected to review the learning outcomes with the intern.

Certificate: provided upon successful completion of the internship, upon request. 


Values logo
Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Republic of Korea, HQ
Contract Type
Salary scale
Contract Duration
6 months
Deadline (23:59 KST)
Job Reference






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